Mittwoch, Oktober 27, 2004
Report aT UCC Hall aT 5pm....As usual...go to the DRESSING ROOM....tkde pape nk uat, LEPAK....then pas buke puase, ade SOUND CHECK.....bile msk hall dier, isk3...mintak AMPUN....,punye lah LAWA...this is d onli concert that i have sebesar-sebar n selawa-lawanye n very GRAND!!!!........first2 OMS sound check...then kul 9 PAYCO ( PA Youth Chinese Orchestra)n SIOC (Singapore Indian Orchestra n Choir) sound check kol 8mlm smpai kul 10mlm...dah abis sound check balik!!!...smpai umah dlm kul 1145mlm.........
Mittwoch, Oktober 20, 2004
Cam biase lagi....bangun sahur....pas tu ptg ade OMS rehearsal lagi....penat seh......kite go once thru.....Yeah!! nari dpt COSTUME OMS...Lawa seh...color putih....
dah bis rehearsal kite gi BEACH ROAD...buke kat situ....tis time I eat Nasi Goring Ikan Bilis...dah bis makan, kite lek2 kat ICA Building...ambik2 gambar.....then my MUM call...nak ajk gi BAZAR GEYLANG...then meet my family at SINGAPORE POST CENTRE...while waiting 4 n abg sofian..lek2 kat COFFEE BEAN....Minum Air......then bout 30 mins my family pon dah dtg...bis gi jln2 lah.....boring jgk..tak bayak kedai jual best2...same aje....then balik, smpai umah kul 1145......
Nari kene bangun kul 5 pagi....ape lagi??? biase ah bangun sahur...dah bis makan tido alik....pas tu bangun dlm kul 12....lek2 ngok tv...siap nak gi OMS rehearsal.....frm 2-7 pm....then we all buke same2 kat BOON KENG HAWKER CENTRE...Me makan Mee Goreng Mama...okie lah sedap jgk ah.....dah bis makan meet my elder sis kat Tanjong Pagar....psl dier nak antar KEYBOARD kat kwn dier....pas 2 gi JOHOR....jln2, gi makan lagi, beli ROKOK......bis balik dlm kul 3 pagi...
Its the 1st day of the FASTING MONTH....Nari TAK skolah psl time table letak tk ade kan leh TIDO smpai tgh ari....(sigh!!)....nari tk de OMS...kene buke puase kat UMAH..noe wat??...kene buke puase SORANG2 lak 2.....psl all of my family members are wrking....semue alik dlm after 11 pm......KESIAN EH???....
Mittwoch, Oktober 13, 2004
yeah!!! today i got my digital camera...Canon Ixus IIs...alah..murah aje 549 bucks....beli kat Tampines Mall with my brother n anak sedare (Ayu).......pas 2 kul 3ptg gi brother gi keje...N my ank sedare pon gi salon untk reborn rmbt dier..dlm 145 bucks mahal jgk....pas abis OMS..kite nk lepk2 kat ESPLANADE..noe wat..we walk from PA 2 ESPLANADE..wat the FUCK!!...reach there 1 hr 30 min.....still more 2 say...
(Rafiq, Farina, Shahir n Fari)

(Me, Marie, Yan n Aiman)
Dienstag, Oktober 12, 2004
Pagi2 bute...kul NUH psl nenek msk hospital...alik umah dlm kul 3 pagi....pass 2 tk gi Jazz Band....ape lagi Cabut keje...sux man wrkin there.....I hate wrking there...they are all BUYERS....Then 3 pm go TP concert band play as guest player...susah jugk piece2 dorng....Sonntag, Oktober 03, 2004
this time kene report kul 10 pagi...ape lagi??? 10 pagi pon aku dtg lmbt..(hahaha) kene marah lak tu....hari nie, biase lah same cam smalam...tapi yg touching nye the LAST SHOW!!...semue NANGIS MENANGIS..ade yg MELALAK!!...PELOK BERPELOK....Eeeee...Touching kan....aku pon join lah....pelok2...mcm tak le lupe kan....tak sangke its the end....the nex MUSICAL is in 2 years time....I REALLY MISS U ALL GUYS (dak2 drama aje...) jazz band, every week jmpe korng..(hahaha)......k lah dh tkde cerite lagi...BYE!!Samstag, Oktober 02, 2004
kene report kat UCC kul 8 pagi.....ape lagi?? biase..smpai kul late 10 pagi....masuk je dressing rm dak2 jazz band pon sibok me-make-up....ade ngan concept gothic lah..punk lah..ade mate lebam...yg ade buat janggot...merepek2 lah dorng...ade dudok mengeram....aku pon sibok lah join me-make-up..alah....letk2 bedak aje...pas tu kul 12 gi lunch...smpai kul 2...N then get ready for CHARITY SHOW....kul 230 duduk kat ORCHESTRA PIT....kite semue kene KURUNG....dudok bawa stage....245 audience pon masuk...nak kate kan half of them org2 tue (apek2).....kul 3 genap show pon strt....pas tu kul 5 abis gi dinner smpai kul 7...isap rokok...pegi balik dressing rm touch up - touch up sikit....kul 730 report kat ORCHESTRA PIT...get ready for OPENING NITE!!...Its a FULL HOUSE!!!...Biase lah kul brape abis...dah tukar baju..kat entrance dpt Canadian PIZZA....Best nye....Smpai umah kul 1215.....Freitag, Oktober 01, 2004
Saat2 yg aku dah tunggu telah pon tiba........kul 730pagi kene report kat ite clementi untk angkt instrument2 jazz band letk kat UCC Hall (University Cultural Centre)...biase ah aku!! malas nk angkt instrument dah lah dtg lmbt..jmpe dorng skali kat UCC....dah lah aku pandai2 dtg lmbt kene gi sendiri lak tu...dah lah NUS besar maut...ape lagi?? sesat lah....dah smpai nampk dak2 jazz band tgh makan...aku pon tegoh menegoh....pas 2 gi kat dressing room nampk dak2 drama tgh make-up....eee..burok nye muke dorng....pas tu lek2...kul 7 mlm baru strt rehearsal....smpai lah kul 11 mlm....pas tu balik...smpai dpn pintu umah genap2 kul 12 malam...ape lagi?? tukar baju...TIDO!!!