Samstag, Mai 28, 2005
Oukie!! d dae 4 our OMS PER4MANCE has alwaes late...Mm..don noe lah..mayb my habit...haha...okie...but me still nt late..still gt some ppl r late..after all r gathered we went 2 this chinese coffee shop..alah..i still 4gt the name of d plc...although has gone there many times..i ordered FISH BALL NOODLES..but it comes doesnt look they r putting fish balls..but FISH CAKE.. was so kecoh...but nvrmind..juz eat lah...after finish eating we r goin to buy this PARTY POPPERS 4 our finale..after we buy, we went to JLN KUBOR to take bus...then bus no. 32 come, we take d my mind, i didnt noe tat bus 32 gt go to PA..haha...a few minutes boarding d bus, we had a SMALL accident...d bus SUDDENLY BRAKE n hit the lorry's back...i didnt noe who's to blame..its a three vehiclein 1, lorry n our bus...Eee..the bus frnt mirror gt cracked...all of us in d bus was so panicked!!...luckily no 1 injurted...then we transfer bus..we take 33....i'm so stupid man...i tap d ezlink card again...haiz!....mayb nt my luck...but so panicked!!!..but nvrmind again...haha...1st tym xperience..okie..when reachedPA..i quickly set up my SAXOPHONE n practice my SOLO....

im so dammed SCARED...but thnks 2 d ppl hu gif alot of SUPPORT to me...arh..alot of ppl2 mention...when d bus came, we all boarded d bus...but in my mind, im still thinking of my SAX SOLO..i scared that i cant make it...i'll try to cool dwn...when we reached d plc...n OMG!! the plc is full of 'APEKS'..r they goin 2 c us???....CHINATOWN mah...

haha...all d 'APEKS' r UGLY...'APEK' mah...haha...then we do some SOUND so happy tat when doin the SAX's sound check..Mmm..i did well for my sax solo....hehe..feeling....then at 6...we get changed n had dinner.....after dinner, be seated at 7...then 730 it's SHOWTIME...

i'll kept breath in breath out...coz so nervous...okie..normal..juz treat this lyk a normal prac...i realli enjoy d show....then..its SHEILA'S FAV...the last song we played..n tat's d time 4 my scared...the MCs announced my name..i was lykshit man...need 2 stand up..n every1 looking at me....nevermind..juz c larh...haha...but i made a very2 small mistake...not so obvious..i was so's over...yeah....!!!! then after pack up, we had some foto taking...then boarded 2 bus..n return back to PA n dismiss.....

Montag, Mai 23, 2005
Mm...actually, we r meeting at bedok mac...but me overslept n wake up at 11am...then meet them at arnd 12....then take bus no. 196 at bedok interchange..then drop smwhere at marrine parrade...we walk to east coast mac...wah!! today alot of ppl huh..
coz VESAK DAY mah...then we set our tent...

the rest get change..but me busy cleaning the radio..haha..but nvrmind..luckily gt discman n a loud speaker...nothing to do juz hear band song..haha...then all of them went swimming..but me still in the tent..listening to music....actually i gt no mood to swim coz i didnt bring xtra short...but they force me to swim..but i can get dry faster...then no choice had to go in...

haha..very fun...there's this group..'mat kothai'..we called them 'buah londeh'..haha..they noe wats that...then after tiring of swimming we gt back to shores...then sit 4 a while..get change..then buy food..after eat we play some games..arnd 8 we go home...haha..enjoying myself....
Samstag, Mai 14, 2005 wake up at a call from yaH! lucky he called me, if nt i'll b sleeping d whole up already, wash my face, tidy up my room..lyk 1 month didnt tidy up my room..(OOps!) hehe..!! okie, wateva.....arnd 1230pm meet mufid under my blk..then relax at blk 423...wif my band members..while waiting for mufid go to friday prayer, me n my band memeber had a chat....then arnd 1+ go makan at 418....after tat go to CITY HALL to meet Nurra, Asima, Sharifah n Juliana, (Juliana wif here small cousin)...i mean meet them at ESPLANADE....then we have some photo taking....after tat go to Eplanade ROOF TOP...we didnt xpect tat there's a gd play to study....usually go to CHANGI AIRPORT.....okie..we study about 2 hours..then gt nothing to do, we take some pics.....

then arnd 6+ we went home...but, me got OMS opt prac. at PA....until 930pm...then go to MAC to eat...then 1030+ go to Hougang to fetch my all...summarizing my story...hehe..!
Sonntag, Mai 01, 2005 didnt xpect to went out wif haffiz classmate..Deedee n Huda, at 1st, i was playing my comp. at arnd 7+...then had a call frm deedee...she ask me went out to ARAB St. for shisar...(hope i spelt it correctly) then it was a last minute plan...i had no choice juz accept it...i had to rush..coz huda is on d wae 2 met them (Haffiz, Deedee n Asri)....then huda called me..she wan 2 meet me at BEDOK mrt station control station...then i rushed her at d back cabin....we r meetng haffiz, Deedee n Asri at Bugis frnt of Topshop....after meeting them, we proceed to arab there we go 2 SAMAR CAFE...

it's a ARAB concept there we order shisar..we were asking 4 VANILLA flavour..but, finish already..then we go wif GRAPE...actually i've tried grape already..but there, me n huda ordered ICE MOUNTAIN..(haha..looks lyk cannot afford the drinks there..some cost more then 4 buucks..) the whole nite we shisar...we play some CAMERA TRICKS!! (below r some of d pics.)

it's Asri n Huda 1st tym...good tat they tried...actually it dosent harm..hehe..safer than 11 ten we move out frm the cafe...then we dicided to play pool junction..but it has been fully book..then had no choice had to go to SINGAPORE SHOPPING CENTRE pool..smwhere beside PARADIGM....but...still full of "ORANG MATE SEPET" (hehehe..the malays noes wat tat..) while waiting we play a comp. game called PHOTO PLAY....then went back 2 PS..Deedee want 2 meet her guy..Dan, we wait until 1230+ while waiting 4 Dan 2 finish his wrk, deedee ask haffiz to buy LONG ISLAND TEA at 711...then Deedee ask me 2 taste, n O MY GOD!! i didnt noe tat d drink contains 10% ALC, vodka n etc......n tat was my 1st tym drinking alcohol drink...then arnd 1245, Dan had jz finish wrk...then deedee n dan went to n haffiz share cab went home.....hehe..then here m i at haffiz houz updating my blog...coz his parents is out 2 JB...we r staying d whole nite..hahaha...