Montag, Juli 25, 2005
hallo!! them at Kallang Mac...coz they want to eat...then after eating go 2 PA Studio...we rehears once...then at 3pm standby
n head Punggol..when we reached there, wait 4 our turn 2 per4m..haha..tat's all..lazy to type...hehe...reached home arnd 10+...

Sonntag, Juli 24, 2005
okie..todae juz came back frm chalet...coz yesterdae we'r celebrating Niza's usual morning i went 4 ITE Band at Simei ITE...then finished arnd 1..then rush hm 2 take my things...then meet haffiz n lina at my block carpark...then went haffiz block 2 wait 4 him to gt changed...after tat we went to Nazya's place @ chai chee..when we reached there, Nazya n Angela were marinating d chicken...n i heard tat they 4gt to wash d chicken..haha..eeww....haiz..wat 2 do...then arnd 4+ Lina came n fetch us to COSTA SANDS (EAST COAST).....haiz...i did'nt went 4 NDD REHEARSAL @ PA...haha..i lied my frenz tat i said i gt 'FAMILY GATHERING'...hehe..SOWIE!!....ok, then went we reached EAST COAST, there were not so much ppl...arnd 4 ppl lyk tat....then slowly..more n more ppl came....but we juz stay in d room..coz we want 'AIR-CON'....hehe...d 'KENTAL ASSOCIATION' knew tat...hehe...then in d room we played sm board game brought by Lina...we played TABOO JUNIOR! n CLUEDO! was fun....then at 625, Imran ask we all to standby...coz this is a surprise party 4 arh...after d surprise..we ate sm snacks..we want to bbq but d charcoal came at 730+..then Ali came...we hang arnd again in d room...then when the fire strted..we bbq lor....then at night nthing 2 do, we gt story usual..GHOST STORIES!!...hhmm...then we sleep arnd 4am+...hhmm...aiyah..nothing 2 say already...i gt some pics...hehe..after tis i need 2 go to OMS..coz gt per4mance @ PUNGGOL EAST CC...haiz..tiring man....not enough of sleep.....haiz....ZZZzzzzzzzz...

Freitag, Juli 22, 2005
If instrument doesn't exist,a band won't be formed.But, a band with onli woodwinds,onli a melody is formed.But,it is different,when only a band,is formed with onli brass instrument.A harmony,A melody,will be formed.But when a band is formedwith every instrumenta perfect bandwith a perfect musicwill exist.And that shows us,the harmony of music,the harmony of nature.But, when ther is an instrument,wihtout a player,music will be formedby nature.The music that is formed by nature,is a music that is natural.But,when a music that is formed by a heart of a human.A perfect song will be formed, that will touches the nature's heart.And,with that way,a perfect song,a perfect melody,and a perfect nature will be formed.A band's harmony can be formed, when all hearts are connected,that will touches human's heart.But,without practices,a melody and harmony won't be formed.So, practice always.Practice makes perfect.Last word,BAND RULEZ!!Donnerstag, Juli 21, 2005
This message fell from the sky, the sign that the gods up there are laughing their asses at those mats who think they look so cool. to start it off, well, just a fcuk off to all those mats and maybe perhaps those minahs. u guys are such a disgrace to the community. wonder what those tourist say abt all u guys when they come to sg. BIG WHITE FRAMED GLASSES
- are they blind or are they blind? well even those who have good vision opt to wear those ridiculous huge white framed glasses. cmon lah guys... look into the mirror and say that u look good in those, i bet ur own reflection would show u the middle finger.
- with those tsunami looking so called front wings u have on ur stupid head. i bet u just came back from aceh.. rite? and not forgetting, to make it even "cool" u guys dye it blonde or gold? perfect combination with ur dark complexion eh? well the honest truth, U GUYS LOOK LIKE GOLDEN MONKEYS!no kidding.
- had your 1 sec of fun riding the waves at ecp? wat a joke. wonder who in the hell invented tat stupid thing. its so stupid that even retards can laugh at ur 1 sec of EXCITEMENT!
- OMFG!! uve been a naughty boy, sneaking aroung mummy's bedroom and stealing the eyeliner. GOD! who do you think u guys are? good charlotte or something? u guys just made urself look much more "gay-er" than before!
-Those tapered pants are a must. ITS FORBIDDEN IN THE MAT WORLD TO WEAR LOOSE PANTS. wonder how u guys fit into tat. like what, ur mum sew u into ur pants or something? ridicule. why not taper ur whole outfit? sachok? whats that? u call that handsome? sounds like u got ur dads foot stuck up ur ass while saying the word handsome. stupid asses invented those language. must be a complete retard to think of those stupid meaningless words. not forgetting....
-slutty dresses, short skirts,tight tops. showing off cheap ugly tattoos. OUhhhh so scarrryyyyy. u all think its so cool huh. well have fun burning in hell later ya? for those who really do agree with this thing showing the stupidity by the mats.
WeLL... tHaTs wAt iT SaYs.... sO..... bEtTa ChAnGE uR LiFe bEfOrE ItS ToO LaTe.... bE A BeTtEr pErSoN iN ThE FuTuRe..... pEaCe :) I did'nt want to admit it,
It was easier to lie,
And hide the hurt and emptiness,
To smile instead of cry.
I did'nt want to face the fact,
My life is full of pain,
And I long to stop my bleeding heart,
And maybe smile again.
'Cause I feel oh-so-forgotten
So betrayed and so alone,
Without a trace of forgiveness,
And no soul to call my own.
I did'nt want to admit the fact,
I cannot spread my wings,
And my happiness has melted,
Into tears and other things.
It's hard for me to hide the fact,
My wishes have no home,
And return to anguish,
Bow my head and cry alone.
Montag, Juli 18, 2005 n fiz meet mufid @ DG control station...then meet Nad n group's @ PARK MALL....then we head to BOTANIC GARDEN..coz got BAND 5 band per4ming....cant remember d 1st sch...Marsiling, National JC, Victoria School n Raffle's Girl.....n d winning band is Marsiling..haiz...why arh???...then we went to EVOLUTION GARDEN......we took sm pics there...its fun....yeah..well..not goin to tell much..juz c d pics...okie!!!

Freitag, Juli 15, 2005
halloz!!! well...todae strt sch @ 9am....hmm..reach sch at arnd 940am...then class finish @ 11am....went canteen 2 eat...then go home...haha...actually gt nothing 2 say.....haiz!...can c todae is a boring dae.....hmm...2morrow gt band leh...tired man...n soo...boring.....d band had no standard.....hmmm....well...tat's all....chowz!!!Montag, Juli 11, 2005
wow!! todae was realli2 tiring man....came back frm east coast at arnd 11am+....haha..still cant gt drunk yesterday...haha...mayb i'm strong..ahackz!!..hehe..ok2...when reached home, straight awae wash myself n sleep till 4pm...then arnd fari n haffiz at bedok interchange...coz we r goin 2 soundwaves concert at TURF CLUB, Kranji....we went there by bus..we take 168..then reached WOODLAND, we took train 2 kranji...then meet shahrul at CONTROL STATION....then we went there we meet nazra, shikin, firli, mira, azie n sarah..

then we head to d grand stnd...then at 8pm d show strted....d opening was great....much better then my batch...but d sounds cant here..abit soft..but there's a FIREWORKS!!! i lyke.....hehe...then gt a per4mance by TAUFIK BATISAH...

wow!! its my 2nd time watch him per4m....once again..I LYKE!!!!...hehe....

then when d concert finished..we went to back stage n 'KEBAS' some food pack...i eat 3 pack..haha..1 full n other 2 i eat the 'accessories' onli...hehe..m i bad??? haha....then went home..reach hm at 1230+....hmm..tired man..nex dae gt sch...
Freitag, Juli 08, 2005
hmm....long time nvr blog....yeah...mmm..wat i did yesterdae was UNPLAN!!!...went to sch @ 12pm....then finished at man...yah..thursdae is a boring dae 4 me in sch...finish class @ 6pm man...then went hm straight...on my comp..MSN 4 awhile...then at 8pm meet haffiz, need to rush to oms studio to collect tix for mini soundwaves II....then meet firli, mira, shikin, yazid n fadillah @ kallang mrt...then we head to oms studio..when reach there gt the tix from farina....then hang arnd at the studio untill the soundwaves participant finished their prac....then haffiz ask me 2 accompany him to his cousins bdae chalet at costa sands (Downtown East)...his name is oso called din...hmm...when reach there..there were not so much ppl...i mean d neighbour....onli 2 chalets r on...then d 1st thing i did when i reach is DRINK!!.....hmm..shit man..i drink again....haiz.....then eat a few onli..coz at hm i eat alreadi....the whole nite wat i did is drink, drink, drink....but not tat heavy..juz slowly there d onli i noe is of coz haffiz, lina, elfie, angela, fazil n nazya.....hmm..all of them r overaged..accept me..still underage..haiz...we played card games there..aiya..tats common...haiz...d ppl there r veri frenli...n its my 1st time saw ppl drunk in frnt of me..n tat's keep repeating wat she said...hahaha..we were all laughing loudly...haha..tis is my 1st happening chalet tat i've xperience...then went hm..reach at 4...straight away sleep n i'm goin sch at 9am d nex dae..haiz..tired man.....okie...tat's all...