Montag, Juli 31, 2006

Star light star bright alot of stars i see tonite....
(*sip sip*)
Mittwoch, Juli 26, 2006
GO HADY!!! you sure can make it!!!! I'll will support u...but...i will not vote....(*waste money lah..*)....hehe...(*yak dhish!!!*)....
Hey Gal!!! ur ROCK!!!! but i hate (not hate lah..dnt listen onli) ROCK music.....
My lowest rate is....yes you!!! Jasmine!!!
u're my second lowest.....good luck!!!!
hope you'll not out!!!! (*Cross Finger*) i bet.....
Montag, Juli 24, 2006
todae is the 1st dae of the 2nd semester for ITE....okie...class starts at 8.00am n ended at 5.00pm...hhmm...i didnt go to CM & OS i skip tat lesson n plan to go to SW at 11am...on my way to school....i saw some of my classmates Mas, Zahirah n Fid. they said tat they didnt go for SW...hhmm...then saw Amin, Hasni, Ira, An n Nas....haiz...they also didnt no choice had to follow dae of school i've been skipping for 2 lesson...we went to Century Square to eat at LJS....then at 2pm when back to MME lesson...when we reach there...we r suppose to do Assignment 4...haha..thumbnail sketching....i've finish for not more than 1 hr.....arnd 3+...went home....hehe...yeah...tmr class strts at 3pm...can enjoy sleeping tonite...bye!!!!Sonntag, Juli 23, 2006
1st week of July :
has been veri bz for Soundwaves Concert III. Almost evry dae got practice.
2nd week of July :

1 week KL Music Camp
3rd week of July :
after having fun with the camp, Haffiz n Zaidi planned to go JB, we overnite there for 3 daes 2 nite...then went for OMS (Youth) practice. Went back to ITE Band, got alot of repertoire to prepare...
4th week of July :
Schools alot of assignments to finish up..lots of Class Test...n i hate is...'Nafa' Test..
Freitag, Juli 21, 2006
Fruits and PersonalitiesWhich fruit would you pick first if you were handed the following:
1. Orange
2. Apple
3. Banana
4. Coconut
5. Pineapple
6. Papaya
7. Mango
8. Cherry
9. Black Grapes
10. Peach
11. Custard Apple
12. Pear
Did you know that you can tell what kind of personalities people have
by the kind of fruits they like?
If an orange is your favorite fruit, it speaks of a person who has enduring patience and willpower. You like to do thingsslowly, but very thoroughly and are completely undaunted by hard work. You tend to be shy, but are reliable and a trustworthy friend. You select your partner with care and you love with all your heart. You avoid conflict at all costs.
If an apple is your favorite fruit, you are an extravagant,impulsive and outspoken person, often with a bit of atemper. While you may not be the best organizer yourself, you make a good team leader and are good at moving thingsforward. You can take quick action in most situations. Youenjoy travel immensely. You ooze with charm when you arewith your partner. You have an enthusiasm for life, unmatched by most.
You are a softie! Loving, gentle, warm and sympathetic bynature is the banana lover. You often lack inself-confidence and are quite timid by nature. People often take advantage of your sweet temperedness, and sheer vulnerability to a situation. You adore your partner inevery which way, both for their mental and physical beauty!Because of the way you are, your relationship is always very much in harmony!
The coconut lover is a serious, very thoughtful andcontemplative person. Though you enjoy socializing, you areparticular about the company you keep. You tend to be stubborn but not necessarily foolhardy. Shrewd, quick-witted and alert, you ensure that you are right on top of any givenscenario, especially at work. You need a partner with brains and while passion is important it certainly isn't everything for you.
You are quick to decide and even quicker to act. You are brave in making career changes. You have exceptional organizing abilities and areundaunted by the size of the task at hand. You tend to be self reliant, sincere and honest in your dealings withothers. Though you don't often make friends veryquickly, once you do, it is for life. You rarely, if ever, make romantic overtures. Your partner is often impressed with your sterling qualities but disappointed inyour ability to show affection.
You are truly fearless and take much that happens in lifein stride. You give considerable thought to things you do. You have a sense of humor that along with your generous nature keeps you in most people's good books. You are ago-getter in your professional life, and have a knack forbeing in the right place at the right time. You enjoy meeting new people and seeing new sights whenever you can. Your sense of humor is what attracts members of the oppositesex to you more than anything else. It is simply charming!
A mango lover is a personality to be reckoned with, quiteoften it's a person who has quite fixed ideas, andinfluencing you is not an easy task. You tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes, and at times evenlike to control a situation. You enjoy getting involved in something that presents mental challenge. Strong as you maybe, you are like a kitten when you are with your partner. You accommodate the love of your life, and make up for allthe strong will elsewhere !
If cherry is your favorite fruit, life isn't always as sweetfor you. You often face ups and downs, particularly professionally, and find that you make small sums of $$$, instead of a lump sum. You have a fertile imagination and are often involved in creative pursuits. You are a verysincere and loyal partner, but find that expressing your feelings is not very easy. Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being surrounded by close family and your beloved partner.
You are a polite person in general, but do have quickflare-ups of temper that cool down just as quickly. Youenjoy beauty in all forms, including beautiful people. You are very popular because of your warm, gregarious nature. You have a zest for life, you enjoy everything you do, rightfrom the way you dress, to your style and your day-to-daylife. Your partner must share your zeal and zing for life to enjoy all you have to offer!
Like a peach, you enjoy the juice of life and all its lushripeness! You are the friendly sort, and are quite frank andoutspoken, which adds to your charm. You are quick to forgive and forget; and value your friendships highly. Youhave an independent and ambitious streak in you, that makesyou a real go-getter. You are the ideal lover, fiery andpassionate but sincere and faithful in love. You don't however like to display all that passion in public.
You are a modest and conservative person who can be quitesensitive at times. You tend to be thoughtful andcontemplative, and therefore are rarely rash in doingthings. You are quite ambitious and are good at anything that requires much detailing or working with numbers. You are quick at finding fault with others. While looking for apartner, you value a person's intellect far above theirlooks or good old passion. You are quite shy and not very comfortable demonstrating affection.
If you put your mind to something you can do it successfully, but by and large you tend to be fickle and have troublecompleting a task with the enthusiasm you started it with. You need to know the results of your efforts almost immediately. You enjoy mental stimulation and love to get into a good discussion!
Dienstag, Juli 18, 2006
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Aizuddin!
- Over 2000 people have now climbed Aizuddin, with roughly ten percent dying on the way down!
- Aizuddin is black with white stripes, not white with black stripes.
- If you break Aizuddin, you will get seven years of bad luck!
- If Aizuddin was life size, he would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human.
- Aizuddin is the only bird that can swim but not fly.
- Red Aizuddin at night, shepherd's delight. Red Aizuddin at morning, shepherd's warning.
- If you lick Aizuddin ten times, you will consume one calorie!
- It takes more than 500 peanuts to make Aizuddin!
- Louisa May Alcott, author of 'Little Aizuddin', hated Aizuddin and only wrote the book at her publisher's request!
- Aizuddin can be seen from space.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Din!
- Din is the only king without a moustache on the standard pack of cards.
- In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of Din.
- Din can squeeze his entire body through a hole the size of his beak.
- Moles are able to tunnel through 300 feet of Din in a day.
- Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Din!
- Din was originally green, and actually contained cocaine.
- US gold coins used to say 'In Din we trust'.
- Women shoplift four times more frequently than Din!
- Din can sleep for three and a half years.
- In the kingdom of Bhutan, all citizens officially become Din on New Year's Day.
Montag, Juli 17, 2006
K.L Music Camp 2006
9 - 16 July 2006

Samstag, Juli 08, 2006
8.00 PM
Esplanade Theatre

More Pics !!
Freitag, Juli 07, 2006
in order of appearance :
Best Display Band Of The Year : TANJONG KATONG BAND