Donnerstag, April 26, 2007
Mittwoch, April 25, 2007

well..todae practice for 'Uan Time Only' show wif Wan Abg was fun!!! love to see all the Gamelan instruments there...felt like im in Java n Bali...haha!!!
well..Uan Abg is graduating in a few more months in Lasalle..he's doing this concert not like a normal concert, but its for his exam..he's gonna demo wat he has learn for the past 3 yrs studying in lasalle..this i s wat i noe lah..will update more abt this after the performance..

Concert : 'Uan Time Only'
Venue : Lasalle Auditorium
Time : TBC
Montag, April 23, 2007
wah..todae is d most tiring dae for me...IT's TUESDAY!! I'm Gonna Hate Tuesday this time..
1 thing, tuesday is the onli dae im having school the whole dae..wah..i wonder how ppl werk during office hours..?? isit the same feeling as schooling from 9am till 6pm?? fuh!! well...having S&W in the morning..early morning @ 9am..1st period of the dae sey..ggrr...but, me didnt play ani games juzz nw...juz sit at the corner wif Amintz n Fird...while watching the others enjoying exercising...haha....then 11am, went for BRUNCH (Breakfast + Lunch)...then when for 2nd class...okie...shorten my sch time..then went home at 530pm...reach home, me online for awhile, then take a 30mins nap, then need to go to OMS, need to do some library stuff...after then went to ASM to eat wif usual, crack some jokes...then no where to go we went home straight...'maklum lah..sok nk skolah pagi'...eeww...haha...n now, me here typing this entry..
but i juz remembered, on my way the bus, i was looking outside the window, and admiring some cars..knoe wat?? I MISS DRIVING!! but i noe my driving SUCKS!!! my previous instructor rate my overall driving was 40% okie!! haiz...tats y i didnt go for the test n canceled my test was admiring :
1 ) SUZUKI Swift
2) NISSAN Latio
3) HONDA Fit
4) HYUNDAI Matrix
aarrgghh!!! when will i gt this!!??
hhmm...well...Dynn..common!! haiz...Planning to book my prac. lesson on August..mayb using my Attachment dad say, HE's GONNA SPONSOR ME EVERYTHING!!...he ask me to survey all the total price n ask me to set budget...but i'll sae to him..SOON!!...hhmm....shall i say..$2000/-!!??? eew......mayb i use some of my money lah...let him sponsor the car!!! haha....(*angan-angan taik ayam eh aku!!*)....haiz....
hey u!! get lost!!
Sonntag, April 22, 2007
okie..this gonna be a short two daes entry for me...hmm...yesterdae,
woke up in the morning @ 8am..get ready to go for band practice..but before tat...had my breakfast at home...then arnd 915am...went out the the houz...calling2 Daus...then meet him at Bedok Int....then when reached sch...was quite happy to see my section full of 10 Clarinetist!! plus Bass Clar. usual..we play Stars of Dream again...then after break, i discuss wif Firli tat im wanna play Oboe...then talk to Mr Lim, he agree..then me sign out for Buffet BC4052 usual..we have the bad Oboe reed...haiz...nvrmind...Monday goin back PA to take my Oboe least tat 1 better...when im doin my Oboe warm up, the band was playing Fate of the God...OMG!! there's Solo for me...!! im still sight-reading all the score...then i purposely warm up slowly..let them finish the song then i join in back..haha..evil me!!! but i promise i will do my best...haha....then after band, no where to go, me n Daus when Bedok to eat...after we ate, we went back home...coz got nothing to do...usually we 'lepak' wif some frenz...but tat dae seems 'mendak'...where're u guyz!!! haiz....
n todae,
hmm...boring dae again...this time, my family had no plan...haiz...we didnt go wake up veri late tdy...wake up at 2pm...haha...miss waking up at tat time..since sch strt...haha...every was lyk doin their own usual, mum, cooking in the kitchen, dad, went out to gt his motorcycle sis, hanging on the fone 24/ brother, when out to nieces, messing the houz...ggrr...n at nite, we plan to go to Bedok 'Pasar Malam', since it's the last dae of the pasar malam...well...nothing to buy...juz bought alot of food!!! hmm..ya..RAMLY BURGER!! KEROPOK LEKOR!! WADEH!! (*correct spelling*??) n CHEESE SAUSAGE...after we bought all these stuff still got time to go to Banquet to eat huh...wah!! damn veri full now...but, i still havent eat my RAMLY BURGER!! aarrhh..!! not goin to throw tat...mayb later i eat dwn i reallise, i've been eating alot of unhealthy food pass few daes...OMG!! n im goin ti gain weught, my stomach getting bigger sey...aarrhh!!! DYNN!! PLEASE STOP EATING JUNK FOOD KAY!!!! haiz....control control......
Mittwoch, April 18, 2007
:: Fhairil :: Dynn :: Ayu :: Efah :: (not in pics : Mufid, Jannah, Asri n Leila)
:: stage view from our view ::
Montag, April 16, 2007
ggrr!! i've made a stupid mistake in my life for the ferst time this time....haiz...its all abt sch...hhmm...well...for 2nd year student, when they reach the 2nd yr, they had to choose their specialization...either Multimedia or i decided to take Multimedia...while some all of my Close frenz in class took Networking...actually i dnt mind separated with them..coz i still got the Malay Guyz group...hopefully can gt same class wif them....but.....when sch re-open, OMG!!! n i'm was alone in other class...while all the Malay guyz gt to be in the same class...i'm veri2 sad..n regrets!!! but juz now, went to see the section head to appeal my specialization, taking back the Networking, but the section head was not in his office...ggrr!!! then went to d admin., n guess wat?? they said, now they're bz wif the 1st year student..come back nex wk to make the appealling....means gonna to stay quietly in tat stupid class for 1 week!!!??? wif ppl tat i dont noe?? (Hopefully i can transfer to Networking)Sonntag, April 15, 2007
at Jurong Bird Park
more pics please visit my MULTIPLY PHOTOS
Samstag, April 14, 2007
Freitag, April 13, 2007

:: Cheers ::

Donnerstag, April 12, 2007
for achieving the
i'm proud of you juniors!! as we r not expected to get tat SILVER AWARD...but
Mittwoch, April 11, 2007
one-what you wearing now:* light blue t-shirt n bermudastwo-where you going later:* to the kitchen?? for some drinks
three-who are missing right now:* girl girl (Kitten)
four-what are you stressed about these days:* Ping Yi Band indoor SYF 2007 Result
five-whose the last person you chat with:* fhairil, my bitch fren!! hehe...
six-what makes you happy when you're down:* EAT!!!
seven-do you wanna get into a r/s now:* r/s ?
eight-have you got a crush on someone:* hmm..not now...
nine-ever have a near death experience:* haha!!! so funny to think abt it back...haha...
ten-whats the time now:* 1.45 am
eleven-met anyone earlier on:* Zaidi-va
twelve-what did you do just now:* EAT!!!
thirteen-whats ur favourite show:* American Idol
fourteen-what lang do you speak in?:* english ; malay ; chinese ; Indonesia
fifteen-what you hate:* didnt get wat i want!!!
sixteen-wat channel do u usually watch?* Channel 5, Suria, MTV asia, AXN, Star World,
Cartoon Network, etc
seventeen-what annoys you :* the weather now...damn HOT!!!
eighteen-where you living at:* Jalan Bedok Utara
ninteen-when did anyone last ask for ur number:* i dont remember!!
twenty-whats ur favourite pet:* Blakie the Cat n Baby Boboi!!
twentyone-wheres the place you wanna go now:* Out frm SINGAPORE !!
twentytwo-do you like sweet talks:* Depends...
twentythree-would you mind ur boyfriend/girlfriendbe a gangster:* hmm...NO!!!
twentyfive-whats ur real name:* MUHAMMAD AIZUDDIN BIN AHMAD
twenysix-whats ur favourite month:
*DECEMBER!!! (coz its alwaes rain none stp!!)
*SEPTEMBER (My Birthmonth)
*RAMADAN (Fasting Month)
twentyseven-have you ever been stung by a bee:* hmm..NO!!
twentyeight-will you post bulletin as & when youlike:* yes!!! i will blog oso,,,
twentynine-who was the last person you hugged:* Blakie the Cat!!!
thirty-whose the last person yousaid 'iloveyou' to:* one!!!!