Dienstag, Mai 29, 2007
haha...me didnt meant to laugh okie..but seriously damned funny lah...look at her face!!! how vouge-ly see stands up n turns arnd...hehe....btw...CONGRATULATIONS TO MISS JAPAN!!! but i prefer Miss BRAZIL!!! ggrr...!!! agrreee!!???let's compare....Miss Brazil should win rite!!!??? ggrr...
wah!!! nice combination of Multi-Racial...hehe...
Montag, Mai 28, 2007
woo hoo!! isk!! todae i didnt go to sch...hmm...why huh?? coz i gt stomachache...hmmm..ya...coz last nite i ate spicy food..ggrr...well..my stomach is sensitive to spicy fod arh..so i cant eat much spicy food at nite...okie..i'll b back to sch tmr...but, tonite gt Gamelan prac...see 1st lah..if im okie then i went to gamelan practice...hhmm...ouh ya!! THANKS TO YOUTUBE huh...haha..coz...i gt to watch some movies tat i missed...haha..todae is lyk a movie maraton for me...lets see wat i watched...i strted wif :
Jangan Pandang Belakang
Qabil Kushry Qabil Igam
Pocong 2 (*this is fucking scary okie!!* i watch it half way.....i watch this after my mum went to work..n i watch it alone..gonna continue later at nite...)
becoz of Pocong 2!!!!! i think im going out for my Gamelan practice...n i will be back after 11pm..okie...right now there's no 1 at home...all my family members will be available after 11pm...aarrhh!!! okie gtg...
owned up!!!
Girgirl n Baby Boboi (*look at boboi's face!!*)
(frm left to right : Baby Boboi, Girgirl n Blakie the Cat)
Sonntag, Mai 27, 2007
me n my family decided to celebrate my nephew (Apit) bdae at my sis houz @ hougang...okie...so, we went there arnd 8pm....Samstag, Mai 26, 2007
as usual..today is Saturdae..i had to go for ITE Band prac....todae band attendance was good..well..we played Concerto D'amore, Instant Concert, Persis Overture n El Capitan...then, after band, we all lepak under Haffiz void deck, then me went home to put my Instrument, then meet them back at the void deck...then wait for Farina's call...after tat meet Farina n Rafiq at Bedok Mac...then off we go to Changi Beach....haha..tats supposed to be a surprise pit for Rafiq....hhmm...i think its 70% works...haha....we said tat, the kedai Nasi Ayam Penyet is closed, then we want to walk by the beach n buy ice-cream...(*me supposed to lick the ice-cream sexy-ly, but Rafiq juz snap, n my face looks lyk tat..haha....*)
After the surprise...haha...wat we waiting for?? Makan lah!!! btw...the Nasi Goreng Tom Yam cooked by Rafiq's mum is super power okie!!!
frm top left (Clockwise) : Rafiq, Farina, Rafiq's Mum, Rafiq's Brother
Freitag, Mai 25, 2007

SINGAPORE: A water spout has been spotted from the eastern parts of Singapore.
Most callers to the MediaCorp News Hotline reported seeing what looked like a tornado or a twister over the sea.
Most said they saw the phenomenon at about 2.30pm and that the phenomenon lasted about 15 minutes.
Witnesses said it was moving in a circular motion.
The water spout could be seen in several areas including Chai Chee, East Coast Park, Suntec City and Potong Pasir.
Last August, a water-spout was also spotted off the coast of Sentosa Island.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) said intense thunderstorms were the cause of the phenomenon.
The water spout is a narrow column of water that is sucked to the base of a cloud, making it look like a funnel.
An average diameter of a waterspout is 50 metres and it has average wind speeds of up to 150 kilometres per hour.
The NEA added that water spouts will dissipate rapidly near the coast.
It also clarified that water spouts are not rare as there are actually several sightings each year. - CNA/yy
Dienstag, Mai 22, 2007
These are the Anugerah Contestants tat im supporting!!
noe her frm (People's Association Talent) Soundwaves III concert..i think she sang the song we played, entitled Big Island, Home n Mayang Di-Ulek (Trance)
1 of the Female singer in a Traditional Malay Orchestra called De'lima (OMS Traditional Grp)....coz u r frm there, me gonna support you too!!
then strongest male contestant in Grp 1..haha...coz he impressed me when he sang the Ku Menanti song...haha...evrything is in tune...n bitch nye!! he can pitch tat note kay....
this 3 huh...ok ok arh...juz looking 4wrd on u guyz...keep on the gd work...
and OMG OMG!!! tmr is AMERICAN IDOL 6 FINALZ!!!!! aarrhhgg!!!! hope Jordin WINS!!
Montag, Mai 21, 2007
1. Whose picture is it that you keepin your wallet?
~ My Passport Photo!!!
2. What time do you usually go to bed?
~ latest 3am .
3. What was the last thing you did
before filling this survey?
~ Friendster-ing
4. Who are the people you always meet
the most?
~ My Classmates
5. Who's the person you're gonna call
if you need help?
~ My Parents
6. What's on your mind right now?
~ What' gonna be the nex question...hehe...
7. Who's number on your speed dials?
~ Home
8. With whom do you wanna be to have
~ My Close Frenz
9. What movie do u wanna watch now?
~ Spiderman 3, Fantastic Four, Shrek 3, Jangan Pandang Belakang
10. When was the last time you went
~ Saturday
11. Who do you hate the most for now?
~ I'm Broked!!! have no money to spend...muz wait for 2 more weeks
12. When was the first time you slept
~ when my parents went for Haji n I slept in their room
13. What do you wanna do for now?
~ Watch Hikmah (Indonesian Drama)
14. What do you do everyday besides
eat and sleep?
~ Surf the net
15. What could piss you off?
~ Could'nt gt wat i want!!!
16. are you a animal lover?
~ Yeah . cats!!
17. Colors that make you happy?
~ White, Black, Brown, Blue, Green
18. Most fav thing in your room?
~ My PC, PS2, Keyboard, Clarinet, Oboe, Air-Con, TV
19. What was the last thing you bought
for your room?
~ Scented Candle @ IKEA
20. Any instruments used to be in your
room? what is it?
~ Oboe, Clarinet, Keyboard
21. Can you cook?
~ hhmm...no!! reheat can...
22. Miss someone?
~ Ya!!! My Orchestra Frenz....
23. Plan to buy something?
~ Yesh!!
24. Are you satisfied with your life
~ No!!
25. Do you like seafood?
~ Yes!! Prawns okie!!!
26. Breakfast or dinner?
~ Dinner
27. What do you usually eat for
~ bread n half cook Egg...
28. Did you eat breakfast today?
~no, i didnt wake up in the morning to go to sch...
29. Do you recycle?
~ Alotz!!
30. Do u have a laptop?
~ No!! wanted to arh!!
31. What is your favourite fastfood?
~ Pizza Hut!!! KFC!!
32. Cats or dogs?
~ CATS!!!!
33. Salty or sweet?
34. City or country?
~ City
35. How do you prefer to spend your
~ Traveling..wanted to go to the best Island in the world....
36. Is kissing normal for your age?
~ its noting .
37. Are you athletic?
38. Do you swear?
~ Sometimes
39. Would you ditch your friends for a
~ No
40. Do you have your own cell phone?
41.what do you wear to bed?
~ Tshirt n short
42. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
~ OMG!!
43. Coke or pepsi?
~ Coke
44. Sugar or spice?
~ Spice
45. Can you use chopsticks?
~ Yes!!!
46. Do you like to read for pleasure?
47. Do you care about getting good
~ i care , duhh
48.Have u ever fallen sleep in class?
~ Yup!
49. Get a job or ask your parents for
50. Is your dad strict?
~ Used to...
51. Do your parents give you enough
~ hhmm...not sure....
52. Would you trade places (in life)
with your bestfriends?
~no , i love my life
53.Does your best friend get on your
~used to be best friend - yar my best friends is a 2 sided personality
54. Do you tell your mom everything?
55. Who are you in love with?
~ No ones...
Sonntag, Mai 20, 2007
The Promiscuous One Spontaneous.
High appeal.
Rare to find.
Great when found.
Loves being in long relationships.
So much love to give.
Not one to mess with.
Very pretty.
Very romantic.
Nice to everyone they meet.
Their Love is one of a kind.
Silly, fun and sweet.
Have own unique appeal.
Most caring person you
Samstag, Mai 19, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here

Create your own Friend Test here
Donnerstag, Mai 17, 2007

hhmm...Boboi n Girgirl!!!

Its Lunch Time!!!!

2 months i kept this....hahaha!!!
Dienstag, Mai 15, 2007
hallo hallo!!! Gd evening every1!!...todae i was damm tired sey...as u noe its Tuesdae!! ya! i hate Tuesdae rite!??...hmm...well...whole day at school till 5pm...then need to rush to Changi Airport...coz..sending off my Orchestra ppl...wwoo!! they going to Netherland sey...me quite jealous u noe...nah!! forgt it..dah tkde rezeki...ape nak uat kan?? mayb there's alwaes next time rite?? but when!!??? ya 10 more years time...ggrr!! but nvrmind...hope they enjoy themselves there...noe wat..the weather there was lyk 6 - 12 Degress Celcius sey...wow!!! damm cold huh!!! but watever it is..if they're happi, i'm happy too...hehe...btw..there's still OMS (Youth) practice on thursdae...haiz..thought can relax..but..still nd to go for practice...haiz....but...whenever there's OMS practices, im alwaes looking forward to go lah....hmm..mayb i have a self beloging there...mayb..OMS is my 2nd Family now....wwoo...!!!!!! haha......btw....
(Singapore Malay Orchestra)
Montag, Mai 14, 2007
time shows 1 minute b4 midnite....well...today, i dont noe why im so tired tat i/ve no mood to study in sch...almost evry entry u can see tat i typed tat im alwaes late for sch...n this time again, yeah!! 1 hr late...sch supposed to strt at 8am...n i reached at 9am...i've missed Sys Admin class tis time...then continue for Int. Seurity...hhmm...Sunny class again...we doin assignment this time...well...oklah with the assignment...quite easy...then sch finished at 3pm...went home straight...but me realli tired...straight awae went to my room n sleep...then woke up 930pm...aarrhh...miss 30mins of Hikmah....hmm...when ever i watched Hikmah, i'll tend to gt irritated...for those who watched the Drama will noe lah...they alwaes gt alot of problem...ggrr!!...after tat i went online...was blog hopping n went to this multiply, n saw this pics..veri nice!! i like!! wish i could design all tat.....ffuuhh!!!

Sonntag, Mai 13, 2007

Freitag, Mai 11, 2007
hallo!!! yay!! today i dont go to sch again....WTH!!! rite!!??....hmm..then went online for a while..then at 4pm thought of goin out...so..decided to went Bugis...hmm..ya..went alone...lazy to call ppl along...tried to buy sumthing....but nothing interesting to buy...at first, i went to Bugis Juction...then to Bugis Village...then...Sim Lim Square...lastly to Tekka Mall!!! haha...1st time went in to tekka mall...n OMG!!! its damn!!! bored lah to went there...then..i called haffiz to lepak..since he's juz book out...then we lepak at bedok for a while...he brought down Boggle!! haha...lame sey main Boggle...but syiok lah!!! then decided to call Zaidi....so gt no plan...we decided to went Karaokeing at Apollo Centre...Juz 3 of us....haha...then we really went back home late lah...we wait till the 1st bus....haha....use to it already.....Mittwoch, Mai 09, 2007
okie!!! was eating Plain Prata (*not instant huh*) with my mom's Asam Pedas Ikan Pari (*weird heh!!??*) while updating this post....wah!! juz finish msn-ing wif Fird...tat time i overheard she n Ira talking abt Mozilla Firefox Browser...then now me thought abt it....tried to install...n now...i can blog using Mozilla Firefox Browser!!! YAYNESS TO THE MAX!!!!so...its not blogger tat SUX!!! its the INTERNET EXPLORER LAH DEH!!! kesian blogger kene tudoh2 sembarang2 dari ku...hehe.....
well...hmm...okie, todae, as usual..sch's strts at 8am...i reached arnd 830am...then straight awae do Advanced Networking Practical...luckily the lab is quite easy to catch up....then we went for break...then continue for System Admin class....OMG!! this theory has made me to sleep mode!! haiz...so bored...i hate theory.....then we went for lunch break....then at 1pm...strts Internet Security Theory...this is also the boring part....hmm....well..Mr. Sunny is very funny lah....i dnt understand, why he can bcome the Discipline Master of IT Section...eeww.....then class end at 2pm.....
so i can see...evry Tuesday n Wednesday will be the most boring n tiring dae for me......
I'M BLOGGING AThttp://aidynn87.multiply.com
for the time being
ggrr!!! i noe some of have the some problem wif blogger..
is blogger gonna be sux now!!!
Samstag, Mai 05, 2007

Dienstag, Mai 01, 2007