Mittwoch, August 22, 2007
todae i realli woke up late for school..sch supposed to start at 8am..but i woke up at 830am...shit! overshot! haha....then reached sch arnd 945am...hhmm...then whole 4 hrs im doin the case last, we almost done...hehe...juz need to verify n print the report...yeah...we got abt two more weeks in sch b4 our long term break...haha...5 weeks okie? wah so long huh...wonder wat im gonna do during tat 5 wks break...shall i find a part-time job? aarrgg...i hate to noe tat we will be send off for Attachment for 2 months on the 15th OCTOBER 2007!! OMG!! it's 3 days after Hari Raya Puasa...hhmm...then wat i noe, we having another term break on December, for 3 wks onli..then come back to sch on th 7th January 2008...n will be graduting on March not gonna step into the sch for abt 4 months... wah..time flies veri2 fast leh....
but aniwae, tonite there's OMS (Youth) has been brought forward to Wednesday coz Thursday there's gonna have Soundwaves Rehearsal....whenever there's soundwaves rehearsal, i alwaes dont feel like coming... coz, yesterday soundwaves practice realli made me pissed off...they were rehearsing Snow Wolf Lake, One Step Each Time and.... (shit! i didnt remember the other song)...n none of the songs involved the Gamelan....ggrr!! such a waste...then i was bored, went to OMS room n played the keyboard....haiz....then when they were rehearsing the last song, Wandi was not involved too...then he joined me n Fhairil at OMS room to play Gamelan...haha..he taught us Wayang Kulit music...quite fun..n its getting bored n bored when going to the other Irama...haha....
Montag, August 20, 2007
im realli2 bz now...
some task need to be done :
-Networking Phase Test 13/08/2007
-Networking Final Online Test
- CCNA Case Study to be handed in on 24/08/2007
-Internet Security Project to be handed in on the Last Week of the term
-Wireless LAN Theory / Phase Test
-System Admin. Phase Test
-SOUNDWAVES 2007 Rehearsal
-OMS (Youth) Performance rehearsal
-OMS Performance rehearsal
im realli2 bz now...
some task need to be done :
-Networking Phase Test 13/08/2007
-Networking Final Online Test
- CCNA Case Study to be handed in on 24/08/2007
-Internet Security Project to be handed in on the Last Week of the term
-Wireless LAN Theory / Phase Test
-System Admin. Phase Test
-SOUNDWAVES 2007 Rehearsal
-OMS (Youth) Performance rehearsal
-OMS Performance rehearsal
hhmm....almost evry day (weekend too!) i need to come down to PA for reheasal. this month will be very though and tiring month for me...
Samstag, August 18, 2007
Mittwoch, August 08, 2007
i was browsing all the fotos i have in my comp...when i browsed this folder, it reminds me all the fun times we has been a long time tat i went JB....I MISS :

damaged bus stop

walking along the road to Haffiz house...Sutera Ungu

the pasar tani

Haffiz house @ JB...

the CW2 bus
the Menu @ Danga Bay

Dienstag, August 07, 2007
woke up late today...supposed to went for SW at 930am...end up i woke up at my self ready then had a quick breakfast b4 going to school....okie...i was soo pissed off wif service 67 or 28 now...has been waiting the bus for more than 15 mins....some more its a hot weather...ggrr!!!...then..reach sch, luckily they didnt strt the Final Online test far had no problem wif the test...coz...i memorized the answer thru d cheat...thought of doin tat i can score high the end, i scored 58%....ggrr!!...but nvrmind..confirm gt retest rite??
hehe...then after online test we went to canteen to eat...after tat..proceed to Int. Sec. class...haiz...this time Int. Sec. lesson was boring...juz do project the whole lesson...end up i didnt bring the Visual Basic m i supposed to noe the codes?? ggrr!! end up doin nothing juz designing the page...hhmm...i think the Project date due in two weeks time?? isit!!??
OMG!!..getting nervous...some more there's Adv. Net. Phase Test nex Monday.....then after sch went back home straight....then tonite gt OMS Prac....juz the Rhythm n Gamelan section je....met Fari, Haffiz, Daus n Shafiq at Haffiz blk....
then we head to Kallang...before tat we drop by at Bedok Pasar some food to eat...then Fari saw this laser pointer at 1 of the stall...there's sample on the stall lah...i wanted to try pointing lah...noe wat?? i was pointing all over the place, but as i was pointing aniwhere, n opposite (3 stalls awae) there's a customer ( a Lady) at other stall browsing the products lah....then i accidentally pointed at the customer's breast....the stall keeper was searching who's pointing at her customer...i was shocked...i didnt meant to point there.....i pretend nothing happend....i thought it was a mannequin...haha...tat's bitch of me rite!! hehe...Fari laughed at me..bitch heh kau...ketawe kat aku...
haha....btw....when reach OMS Prac......we all practice outside...haiz...damn hot air-con...was sweating all over....hhmm....
Samstag, August 04, 2007
Two moon on either 27 or 28 August2007Planet Mars will be the brightest in
the night sky starting August.
It will look as large as the full moon
to the naked eye.
This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when
Mars comes within 34.65M miles of
earth. Be sure to watch the sky on
Aug. 27 12:30 am.
It will look like the earth has 2
The next time Mars may come this close
is in 2287.
Share this with your friends as NO ONE
ALIVE TODAY will ever see it
* forward!!dont let anyone miss it!!