Samstag, Oktober 13, 2007
well..nie lah hari yang orang2 muslim kita nanti2 kan...Bulan Ramandan pergi dgn sayu..kini, Bulan Syawal tiba pula dgn penuh gembira. (haha..ape je)
hhmm...1st dae of Raya, me n Family didnt go aniwhere..every year, we will go to my Aunt's (My Dad's 4th Sibling) Place @ Jurong West...coz my late grandma living wif them...after since she's left the world, we will like no where to go...juz celebrate on our own...nak katekan, tahun nie kita beraya secara sederhana aje....tapi, mood raya tu masih lagi meriah lah....n this time, dah terbalik lak..adik beradik, sedara-mara bapaku lak yg ziarah menziarahi keluarga kami...coz, my dad is the eldest son in his family...syukur lah...
k less talking, juz see the foto lah...hehe...
more pics pls visit my Multiply heh....
Freitag, Oktober 12, 2007
Dynn ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua yang mengenali Dynn.Kepada rakan-rakan yang rapat ataupun tidak, teman kerja, dan kakak-kakak dan abang-abang Dynn, Dynn dengan seikhlas hati, menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun dan maaf pada semua sekiranya, tersalah cakap, terkasar bahasa dan atas segala-galanya yang tidak baik yang Dynn melakukannya dalam sedar ataupun tak sedar. Dynn harap semua dapat memaafkan Dynn. Dynn juga harap semua halalkan makan minum Dynn dan sekiranya ada hutang2 yang tidak terbayar yang Dynn dengan tidak sengajanya lupa. Kalau ada yang masih ingat dan ingin claim, Silakan claim k... hehehe.. Dalam bulan yang penuh barakah ini, Dynn doakan untuk semua, dengan seikhlas hati, semoga semua dibuka pintu rezeki yang halal, selalu dalam keadaan yang sihat disamping keluarga yang tercinta, dirahmati Allah SWT, senantiasa dilindungi Allah SWT, di dunia dan juga di akhirat... Insyaallah.. AMIN...
Donnerstag, Oktober 11, 2007
i really have to blog about this!!i dnt understand, ppl (teenagers) nowadays ( in a young adult zone already heh..) hehe....okie2 wat happened heh...i had a invitation frm this stranger's multiply, after viewing most of her fotos, i realized tat, 90% of her self portrait fotos r taken from a SUPER DUPER TOP VIEW heh...
ggrr! u noe, im (not me onli, even Daus..haha) really an anti-SUPER DUPER TOP VIEW Foto u an experienced photographer (ahackz! no lah..juz learn some tips frm a fren n some in sch) hhmm..i will grade her shooting skills as FAILED arh....haha...but i dont noe lah...i juz hate to see the pics (ya i noe, if didnt want to see then dont see rite?) but whenever she update her multiply, i can see her face!!! aarrhhh!!! haha...hhmm..mcm budak2 lah aku nie....
n she even add me at FRIENDSTER!!!! ggrrll!!!
n ppl who noe me out there,
"Klau nak amik gmbr, hati2 heh..nnti kene comment dari mulot laser aku nie aru tau..." n daus had a nick for this type of ppl..we call them Baby Atas (Top Baby) hehehe...
Mittwoch, Oktober 10, 2007
hhmm...i over heard Aliff Aziz version of Tong Hua in Ria,
which makes me now to like him...
i mean his songs..eeww...
ku peluk indah manisnya cinta, Semuanya terasa indah,
Bagai di alam cerita cinta,Hadir bahagia selama-lama
Katamu kekasih yang sedang kita alami, Takkan kekal 'tuk selamanya
Mengapa kekasih,Tiada kau percaya, Kebenaran cerita kita
Bagaimanakah lagi untuk aku buktikan, Selamilah pada kejujuranku
Jadikanku arjuna,Arjuna dihatimu, Percayalah oh puteri
Katamu kekasih yang sedang kita alami, Takkan kekal 'tuk selamanya
Mengapa kekasih,Tiada kau percaya, Kebenaran cerita kita
Bagaimanakah lagi untuk aku buktikan, Selamilah pada kejujuranku
Jadikanku arjuna,Arjuna dihatimu, Percayalah oh puteri
Bagaimanakah lagi untuk aku buktikan, Selamilah pada kejujuranku
Jadikanku arjuna,Arjuna dihatimu, Percayalah oh puteri
Bagaimanakah lagi untuk aku buktikan, Selamilah pada kejujuranku
Jadikanku arjuna,Arjuna dihatimu, Percayalah oh puteri
Ooooh... Percayalah bidadari.....
this is the Chinese or Korean Version
Dienstag, Oktober 09, 2007
was bored n i design this...hhmmm....
Sonntag, Oktober 07, 2007
6 more daes to Raya!!ape lagi!!?? Borong arh!!
we start to shop at 10pm onwards,
but still..RAMAI NYE ORANG!! so lazy to upload pics here..pls visit to view pics...
Donnerstag, Oktober 04, 2007
it's d the dae!!Oh My!! cant believe tat Yesterdae is the Actual day of the concert..
Orkestra Melayu Singapura (Belia) in Music in the City @ Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza.
okie, firstly met them (Haffiz, Daus, Fhairil n Shafiq) at Bugis. they gonna shopping for belt, watch n etc...we met at 2pm..then juz window shopping..but..dhish!! i saw Shahir watch!! aarrgghh!! i wanna buy..$5 u noe at Bugis Village...hhmm...when?? hopefully before Raya...
then it's almost 4pm..we decided to walk frm Bugis to Ngee Ann City...haha...WTH!! wif some of us Fasting...hhmm...but..we walked halfwae...we walked to Plaza Singapura n we took Train to Orchard...haha...
"Puase puase ade hati nak jln kaki frm Bugis to Orchard, haiz..."
then we reached NAC arnd 430pm+....I help abit..hhmm..abit?? hhmm...lets c wat i did..
- help Abg Haffiz to set up the Stand
- fix the Gong /Kempuls
- Get the files/ conductor score out
-fix my clarinet (*pathetic!! ni pon counted ke?? haha...*)
okie lah..quite 'tough' lah the job..hehe....
k then after all the members report, we had a 45mins soundcheck frm 530pm to 615pm...then dress up n get ready for Buka..after buka straight we need to perform which is at 730pm..hhmm..very the rushing...sommore opening song is by th Gamelan Group which is PAGE (Pangrawit Anyar Gamelan Ensemble)..we played two songs..Ladrang Mandraguna n Lancaran Serayu...
so far the concert's went well...hehe...yeah..
okie..after the show is over, we load back all the instruments back to the lorry...
then Me, Danial, Fhairil, Daus, Haffiz n Shafiq end our dae by Karaoke-ing @ Cash Studio Karaoke which is at Apollo Centre...
Montag, Oktober 01, 2007
Event : Music In The CityDate : 03/10/2007
Time : 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Venue : Ngee Ann City Civic Plazaza

Witness the grace of traditional Malay music as Orkestera Melayu Singapura entertains you using the fusion of modern and traditional instruments. You will be seeing traditional Malay instruments like the gamelan and zapin. Sway with tunes like “Ladrang Mandrguna”, “Lancaran Serayu”, which will be played on the gamelan instrument, and “Pantun Budi” played on the zapin.
Don’t miss this one-night only concert showcasing the best of traditional Malay orchestra music! Admission is FREE and all are welcome!