Mittwoch, Januar 30, 2008
well..todae surprisingly, i went to school n reach on time!! hah! coz schs starts at 3pm lah..hehe...hhmm..todae juz do alot of VB excercises..n some recap for tmr's VB assignment..hhmm..well i can sae tat, im fine with's the 2nd assignment okie!!hhmm..i was so nervous now, coz tmr morning, the IT section head gonna see me regarding my Industrial Attachment...ggrr!! wat i noe is tat, Mr Ben told me tat the sch cant graduate me with a cert by not passing my Industrial Attachment..WTH, n he said i had no problems (meaning tat i did well) in my other modules (otak kau lah!! dah lah smue cikgu tu bias!! psl aku nye attendance, all my last modules is drop by 1 grade!! ggrr!!)..but for onli the Attachment i cant gt the cert...WTH rite!!??
so i think, the section head gonna see me n he's gonna plan for me to do some works for this 2 months untill i graduate in sch....haiz...apalah nasib ku nie........
Labels: ITE Tampines
Montag, Januar 28, 2008
k this time another outing wif the bitches..hhmm actually not the full strenght but we had a sub-group name..haha..we called this group the KK People (kandang Kerbau People)..why? coz usually this 5 of us is the one tat onli can went back home veri veri supper super late...hehe..sometimes we even went back home the day after...and we break a record of lepak-ing at..~~~~ KANDANG KERBAU HOSPITAL (KKH)..haha..coz we had no other place to go..coz tat time we had juz finish having our super late meal at newton food whenever we want to meet, either 1 of us will ask who else is lepak-ing?? automatically we will reply back, the KK ppl n (name of joining ppl)...n the KK ppl is:
- Fhairil
- Shahir
- Haffiz
- Dynn (me)
- Zaidi
ouh ya..hehe..well yesterday met the KK ppl at 4pm, actually we gonna accompany Shahir to survey his Tenor Sax softcase at swee lee, then off we go to Tong Seng to had our late Lunch, then met Fhairil n Zaidi, they wanna eat, so we go to Arab Street to Zaidi order Shisha frm there onwards we all juz chill n talk crap! haha..well, do some planning abit abt MWO...well im glad tat alot of response frm u guyz helping to join practice will be on 2nd Feb 2008 @ Marsiling CC...c ya!!

- Fhairil
- Shahir
- Haffiz
- Dynn (me)
- Zaidi
Labels: kampong glam
Sonntag, Januar 27, 2008
On monday, the whole class didnt noe tat this week is the Napha test week..tat means we all gonna do all the 6 station in 1 day..which is onli for two there will be no VB class...well..i was so disapointed in myself..hehe..most of the station i will like juz pass..but this time first time in my life i failed 3 stations tat r :
- Sit an reach
- Pull up
- of coz 2.4 KM run
hhmm..1st time sey i failed my sit n was like 5cm more then i will juz pass..n surprisingly, i improve on my pull up..i gt to do 2 pull up instead of 0...haha..n 2.4KM run, ggrr...failed by 5mins!! wat a waste huh...hmm..thought of training my self soon..but didnt noe when to start.
n i gonna say tat Computing Maths gonna getting more n more challenging..WTH...stress mode gonna come soon...n 5 more weeks to graduate liao...haha..VB assignment n final test coming soon...
n now, can see tat whole of my classmates were busy-ing arnd planning to choose wat course they gonna take for poly...haha..can c tat none of them gonna take IT base course..most of them wanna go tourism lah..and etc...well n wat's mine huh?? and Amin were like so stressed up planning..NS or Poly??
as his family n frenz also said tat take ur Dip. 1st so tat when u're in NS, ur pay will be higher..tats true!! n after NS no need to study again..u can find work'nt tat a gd planning???
haiz..n i thought of taking Diploma in Civil Aviation @ RP...would'nt tat a good idea?? coz i see the course features were so exciting...n i'll take Diploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management @ RP as my 2nd choice...well..after seeing my previous grade was nt tat gd.but who gonna giv it a try..if not, i had to go NAFA or Lasalle...hhmm....
my plan;
(this one, some r not relavant to HNitec in IT)
- Diploma in Civil Aviation - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management - Republic Poly *
- Diploma in Hospitality & Resort Management - Nanyang Poly *
- Diploma in Aviation Management & Services - Temasek Poly
- Diploma in Technology and Arts Management - Republic Poly *
(relavant to HNitec IT)
- Diploma in Information Technology (Hospitality and Tourism) - Singapore Poly
- Diploma in Civil Aviation - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Materials Science - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Business Applications - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Information Technology Service Management - Republic Poly
- Sit an reach
- Pull up
- of coz 2.4 KM run
hhmm..1st time sey i failed my sit n was like 5cm more then i will juz pass..n surprisingly, i improve on my pull up..i gt to do 2 pull up instead of 0...haha..n 2.4KM run, ggrr...failed by 5mins!! wat a waste huh...hmm..thought of training my self soon..but didnt noe when to start.
n i gonna say tat Computing Maths gonna getting more n more challenging..WTH...stress mode gonna come soon...n 5 more weeks to graduate liao...haha..VB assignment n final test coming soon...
n now, can see tat whole of my classmates were busy-ing arnd planning to choose wat course they gonna take for poly...haha..can c tat none of them gonna take IT base course..most of them wanna go tourism lah..and etc...well n wat's mine huh?? and Amin were like so stressed up planning..NS or Poly??
as his family n frenz also said tat take ur Dip. 1st so tat when u're in NS, ur pay will be higher..tats true!! n after NS no need to study again..u can find work'nt tat a gd planning???
haiz..n i thought of taking Diploma in Civil Aviation @ RP...would'nt tat a good idea?? coz i see the course features were so exciting...n i'll take Diploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management @ RP as my 2nd choice...well..after seeing my previous grade was nt tat gd.but who gonna giv it a try..if not, i had to go NAFA or Lasalle...hhmm....
my plan;
(this one, some r not relavant to HNitec in IT)
- Diploma in Civil Aviation - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management - Republic Poly *
- Diploma in Hospitality & Resort Management - Nanyang Poly *
- Diploma in Aviation Management & Services - Temasek Poly
- Diploma in Technology and Arts Management - Republic Poly *
(relavant to HNitec IT)
- Diploma in Information Technology (Hospitality and Tourism) - Singapore Poly
- Diploma in Civil Aviation - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Materials Science - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Business Applications - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Information Technology Service Management - Republic Poly
- Diploma in Music (Major in Clarinet) - NAFA
OMS (youth) practice was okie2 arh..but OMS (senior) practice will be clashed wif PYMB practice..OMS practice is evry friday nite, n i alwaes finish late with gonna attend Alumni meeting after band...haiz..but SYF2008 is on 12th April n OMS performance @ SBG is on 13th April..haiz..gonna be though huh....
okie..for the past 3 weeks i've been going back to Ping Yi band practice as they goin to compete in the SYF 2008..can see tat they had improve alot..n can see also the Alumni getting stronger...well..proud of the junior tat they'r learning fast..i think for these 3 months onwards i will be very busy wif PYMB..
hhmm..still considering whether to help out the Colour Guard, Pit Percussion or help out the main band in the field??
OMS (youth) practice was okie2 arh..but OMS (senior) practice will be clashed wif PYMB practice..OMS practice is evry friday nite, n i alwaes finish late with gonna attend Alumni meeting after band...haiz..but SYF2008 is on 12th April n OMS performance @ SBG is on 13th April..haiz..gonna be though huh....
okie..for the past 3 weeks i've been going back to Ping Yi band practice as they goin to compete in the SYF 2008..can see tat they had improve alot..n can see also the Alumni getting stronger...well..proud of the junior tat they'r learning fast..i think for these 3 months onwards i will be very busy wif PYMB..
hhmm..still considering whether to help out the Colour Guard, Pit Percussion or help out the main band in the field??
Freitag, Januar 18, 2008
You are Elmo:
You have lots of friends and you are also popular, always willing to give advice and help out a person in need. You are very optimistic and you always see the bright side of things. Some good advice: try not to be too much of a dreamer. Dreaming too big could cause many conflicts in your life.
VIRGO - The Perfectionist Dominant
( Aug 23 - Sept 22)
in relationships. Conservative.
Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart.
Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager.
Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to.
Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy.
Often shy. Pessimistic.
You have lots of friends and you are also popular, always willing to give advice and help out a person in need. You are very optimistic and you always see the bright side of things. Some good advice: try not to be too much of a dreamer. Dreaming too big could cause many conflicts in your life.
VIRGO - The Perfectionist Dominant
( Aug 23 - Sept 22)
in relationships. Conservative.
Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart.
Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager.
Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to.
Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy.
Often shy. Pessimistic.
Donnerstag, Januar 17, 2008
Dienstag, Januar 15, 2008
Part 1: On the OutsideName: Muhammad Aizuddin Bin Ahmad
D.O.B: 08th September 1987
Current status: Single
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Righty or Lefty: leftty
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Part 2: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Malay
Your fear: Fatness… nah! For real; losing loved ones
Your weakness: Failures
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts 1st waking up: what time isit? where my HP?
Your bedtime: isit too cold or warm?
Your most missed memory: KL Trip wif OMSians
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Both, doesn’t matter.
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate… Yum!
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Part 5: Do You?
Smoke: Yes!
Curse: huh?
Drink: i think i stopped. haha..
Part 6: In the past month
Drank Alcohol: Nope
Gone to the mall: Yup. Bugis Junction
Been on stage: Yup!
Eaten Sushi: Yeah! bought at Giant Supermarket
Dyed hair: Yup! at KL
Part 7: Have you ever?
Played a stripping game: Nope!
Changed who you were to fit in: Nope!
Part 8: Age:
You are hoping to be married: too early to think! enjoy life 1st
Part 9: In a Guy Or Girl:
Best Girl Eye Colour: Hazel Brown.
Best Girl Hair Colour: Black.
Short or Long Hair: shoulder length
Part 10: What were you doing?
1 min ago: ate Cheesel
1 hr ago: had a nap
1 mth ago: when KL wif OMSians
1 year ago: Schooling..hehe..
Montag, Januar 14, 2008
hhmm..todae woke up late for sch..supposed to report to sch at 8am for SW2, but in the end i woke up arnd 830am..then nvrmind..had to skip tat lesson n went for C. Maths prac. n theory...then sch ends @ arnd 3pm..when home straight..haha..luckily i went home fast if not gonna caught in the rain..fuuhh!! lightning thundering here n there...but during tat time of period, me can still had a nap huh..b4 tat, online for abt an hour, then nap for another 1 awaked by haffiz's call, saying tat they're meeting at Bedok MRT at usual i will be late, but nvrmind, Haffiz n Daus went to meet Farina @ ASM 1st...haha..hhmm..when i reached Kallang, it was still drizzling..then had my dinner at ASM while waiting for the others to come..after tat off we go to far, Gamelan practice was okie..nothing! got! haha..we got new members.
- Afiq
- Ashirah
- Azura
- Danial and
- Mai
they're in PAGE now..haha..they're quite a fast learner..but u guyz still got more things/techniques/theory to learn..hehe..
then after Wandi satisfied wif the new ones playing, he wants to test the senior he juz que without telling wat's the song we gonna play by listening the rhythm of the Gendang;
end up we play;
- Jaipongan
- Rampak
haha..well..all this notes r still in our mind huh...
then after practice, we went to ASM again to had our supper...alrite!!
Labels: Pangrawit Anyar Javanese Gamelan Ensemble
Sonntag, Januar 13, 2008
School resumes 1 week far, im okie with it..hhmm..this time, we onli have 9 weeks of schooling n done, i'll graduate...hhmm..but its gonna be hard this time..coz the whole 9 weeks we gonna learn Comp. Maths and Programming..ish!! more n more the chapter gonna be soo confusing n complicating...hope i can cope with evrything...n for the comp. maths practical, we r learning VB.Net..hhmm..its quite similar to VB...luckily i've learnt tat before in Nitec years..hehe..but this time its like abit advance lah..tmr will be the 2nd week of sch..n its monday!! im gonna hate monday now..coz..the 1st lesson of the day/week is..SW2...ggrr!!! we gonna train for our Nafa test which will be in 2 weeks time..hopefully i can pass all the 6 station..(i will alwaes fail this 2 station (2.4km run n pull up) for the rest of my life..*i think* unless i trained hard lah..hehe..)
OMS practice for the pass 1 week was okielah..for the youth, we r still in the process of concentrating on our we add 3 more new songs..
- Inang Di Pulau Bali
- Facade (Tunggu Sekejap)
- Rentak 2002
for the seniors practice, yeah..alot of big events coming up:
- performance at Singapore Botanical Garden
- Pesta Raya 2008
so far, we've been rehearsing 5 songs..didnt remember wats the tittle lah...wat i noe, there's gonna be 13 repertoire...ish!!...
n yeah!! tmr we be our 1st Gamelan (PAGE) practice of the year!! hehe..after a long break (since 22 nov 07)..n ya, Abg Jais requested for 2 new songs frm the Gamelan..n to show him by this Friday..OMG!! n guess wat he wants??
- Showmanship
- Instrument Solo
- Energetic songs
haha...hhmm..its gonna be tough for Wandi (nah! he's no prob. wif tat)
Labels: Gamelan, ITE Tampines, Orkestra Melayu Singapura
Freitag, Januar 11, 2008
Kerispatih - Tapi Bukan Akujangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku
ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
tak ingin ku paksakan cinta ini
meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima
aku memang manusia paling berdosa
khianati rasa demi keinginan semu
lebih baik jangan mencintaiku aku dan semua hatiku
karena takkan pernah kau temui, cinta sejati
berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini
dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma
sebab rasa ku tlah mati untuk menyadarinya
semoga saja kan kau dapati
hati yg tulus mencintaimu
tapi bukan aku
repeat reff
this one best too!!
he sang live!! lurve the harmonization <333
Labels: kerispatih - tapi bukan aku
Dienstag, Januar 08, 2008
Ayat Ayat Cinta is a beautifully portrayed Islamic love story -- a tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles of life maintaining pure ideals.
Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University. Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determined targets.
Only one goal is left unattempted: the pursuit of marriage.
For Fahri is innocent and pure, and doesn't believe in the concept of relationships prior to marriage. He is inarticulate and shy around women. All his life, only two women have been close to him -- his mother and grandmother.
Life changes drastically in Egypt for he suddenly finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women.
Maria Girgis, a shy, open-minded Coptic-Christian neighbor who is attracted to the teachings of the Holy Al Quran, finds herself falling in love with Fahri (a fact she only reveals to her diary).
Nurul, a student at Al Azhar like Fahri, is the Muslim daughter of a renowned Indonesian cleric. Fahri feels unworthy of her and thus ignores his feelings for her, leaving her confused and guessing.
Noura, an abused Egyptian neighbor, develops strong romantic feelings for Fahri, who in turn simply sympathizes with her situation. His romantic rejection destroys her and eventually leads to a false accusation of rape.
Aisha, a German Turkish student in Cairo haunts Fahri with her beautiful eyes. Following an incident on the metro where Fahri defends her against narrow minded bigoted Muslims, both immediately develop feelings for each other.
As the story unravels, the protagonist makes the audience face the daunting decisions he himself faces, and forces us to marvel at his undying loyalty to the true ideals of Islam as he ultimately makes the choice of a lifetime.
Samstag, Januar 05, 2008
good morning readerz!!! guess wat im doing in this morning while ppls out there (ITE student tat having holidae) r still enjoying their sleeping time n wake up like until 3pm or early?? i cant sleep !!! haha..ya..i have not been sleeping since yesterday..n my sleeping time has changed..i usually can sleep at arnd 9am n woke up arnd 6pm since my holidae started..dah mcm org keje shift malam!!...ggrr!! n sch gonna start soon...!!!hhmm..wat i did yesterday huh??
okie..woke up at 6pm (i sleep at 9am..juz nice, 8 hrs off sleeping)..then went online for awhile..check my Multiply n Facebook...guess wat? im soo gonna lurve Facebook (Soon!!) hehe...k then had to gt myself ready to went for OMS "practice" actually was not practice lah...the librarian had do some clean up of the library section..n i agree wif Farina, the library plc was like Kandang Babi!!! haha...serak nye!!!! but before i start doin d the library which is the rest of the librarian start to do some clean up, Me, Fhairil, Haffiz, Danial, and Shahir jammed for awhile..haha...i like!! we jammed songs like...:
-Cant Take My Eyes Off You
-I Will Survive
-Cinta Arjuna (Tong Hua)
me - played the Keyboard
Fhairil - Bass Guitar
Shahir - Guitar
Haffiz - Rebana
Danial - Drum
okie, in these 3 songs we manage to play in all kind of Genre,
kite Techno kan, n worst kite Asli, Masri n even Joget kan lagu tu smue...but nice!!! haha...can u guyz imagine!?? Cant Take My Eyes Off You and I Will Survive in Malay Genre...haha...n we played Cinta Arjuna in Asli n Joget beat..funny man...
while that, the senior committee were having meeting for the upcoming big concert by the OMS on 13 APRIL 2008 at SINGAPORE BOTANICAL GARDEN!! OMG!! tat was fast!! and we r playing total of 13 repertoire....which is 3 months time!!! n we the librarian again have to gt ready the score ASAP by nex Friday!!! hhmm..the repertoire were sooo challenging n that was a good news for us too!! we performing to the public again!! yeah!!!
n nex week, thk god!! at last, the OMS Youth gt to play new song..hehe..we gonna try INANG DI PULAU BALI (**but i've played before!!**)...n i lurve tat song..realli leh...!! seriously i like...nice..go to OMS Youth blog n listen to the's called Perahu..listen huh..
k after cleaning up some of the library stuff (the plc still in big mess okie)..we went ASM to have our supper...Wandi joined us too!! after tat, Fhairil, Danial n Wandi had to leave for awhile, they gt Bangsawan thingy Dinner..i think treated by Abg some hotel in Orchard..then Farina n Rafiq went left Me, Haffiz, Daus n Shahir...we gt no plc to go..but later we meeting them back..then we decided to walk frm Kallang to Orchard...n WE MADE IT OKIE!!! haha...
then met back Fhairil n Wandi at Istana Park...we lepak for awhile there...n decide to sit at Youth Park Kopitiam..then....we walk again...haiz...but tat nite was was soo cold..i bet u guyz felt it too rite??? i thought its gonna rain...but it rained earlier already rite...
soo..we had a long chat...forcing Wandi to come back to PAGE (hopefully he made up his mind. if he still care for us...hehe..) we talked abt improving our playing in Gamelan, new Gamelan instruments (the best part is..we can choose wat color we!!) Fhairil kept requesting weird!! PURPLE!! BABY BLUE!! haha...!!! nak act cute je heh kau..yak dhish!!, we talk abt our new Gamelan song(s) which Wandi gonna arrange (some r ready)...n we were so excited abt the new songs we gonna play...n i tell u guyz (PAGE Members onli k) it was so so so challenging...a lot of interlocking...fuhh!!!
n we requesting to start PAGE Practice this Monday!! (take note eh PAGE members) but we will try out 1st without Wandi...n we (the Senior PAGE) hope to teach the new members some basic tips of playing GAMELAN..hope this werks lah...
after the long chatting session..we realized tat we missed our Night Rider Buses!! aarrgg!! then had to wait till the 1st bus...haiz...
n till now, i still dnt feel sleeping lah..
n i have to meet Daus n Haffiz later to go to Ping Yi, actually now in the morning they r having Sec 1 orientation...but of coz i will nt go...if nt i will be like a zombie there n scares the sec 1s (end up no sec 1s)...haha..but will come after sec 1 orientation in the afternoon..they gonna continue for this year's SYF Outdoor Competiton practice (common!!! 3 more months!!!)....but sadly...Springfielders are not there ANYMORE...but still we r...TITANS MARCHING BAND okie!!! go TITANS!! i hope the Springfield side r doin fine there...hehe....
okie lah, i will end now. n try to go for bed..hopefully i can wake up at 12pm..
Mittwoch, Januar 02, 2008
i was browsing in the eStudent of ITE website...n was browsing the next class schedule for the next this is wat i will be great if this is the confermed time table for my class...which will start on 7th Jan 08Monday
8.00am- 9.30am Sports & Welness II
9.30am - 11.30am Computing Maths and Program
11.30am - 12.30pm Break
12.30pm - 3.30pm Computing Maths and Program
9.00am - 1.00pm Computing Maths and Program
2.00pm - 4.00pm Thinking and Prob Solving Skil (Exempted)
11.00am - 1.00pm Thinking and Prob Solving Skil (Exempted)
2.00pm - 3.00pm Sports & Welness II
3.00pm - 5.30pm Computing Maths and Program
8.00am - 11.00am Computing Maths and Program
11.00am - 12.00pm Break
12.00pm - 3.00pm Computing Maths and Program
9.30am - 12.30pm Computing Maths and Program
n shit!! there's TWO S&WII lesson in a week!!! WTF!!! long hours somemore...n wat i heard that we gonna train for our napfa test???? ggrr!!! n the 9 weeks gonna study Computing Maths n stressful it gonna be huh?? **mind cracking mood soon!!**
Dienstag, Januar 01, 2008
once again..welcoming myself and the rest of the human being in the world to the year Two Thousand and Eight (2008)!!! hehe... sad, 2007 had to left us that fast...but aniwae, let's see...
now, my top 15 memorable days/times in the year 2007
in chronologically order

my bitches, Mintz taking part in The Dancefloor Competition n won 2nd plc!! CONGRATS!!!
Cousin Olee Wedding
Ping Yi Marching Band
Singapore Youth Festival 2007
Indoor Band Competition
(u guyz manage to bring back/maintained the Silver Award since last we took part indoor in 1991)

hahaha..took part in Band Fiesta @ Singapore Botanical Garden, (Ping Yi Marching Band and TITANS Alumni Marching Band)
Pesta Perdana 8 2007
Pangrawit Anyar Gamelan Ensemble (PAGE) 2nd outdoor performance
Soundwaves 4, hehehe...i like this..the allowance was awsome!!!

OMS (Youth) 3rd Outdoor appearance
Orkestra Melayu Singapura (Youth) presents...Music in the City @ TAKASHIMAYA
Hari Raya 2007

Orkestra Melayu Singapura presents...Fiesta Rama di Panca Indera @ Bedok Reservoir Park
Singapore's 1st Gamelan Festival @ Republic Poly..(2 performance for me..PAGE n OMS)

unforgetable memories....KL TRIP wif OMSians cum meet the ASWARA ppl...

OMS (Youth) 3rd Annual camp @ Pasir Ris Holiday Camp
My sis engagement...16-12-2007
City tour for my cuzzies frm Malaysia..its been veri veri veri long time they ever came to Singapore...
HAPPI NEW YEAR !!!!! sad, 2007 had to left us that fast...but aniwae, let's see...
now, my top 15 memorable days/times in the year 2007
in chronologically order

my bitches, Mintz taking part in The Dancefloor Competition n won 2nd plc!! CONGRATS!!!

Singapore Youth Festival 2007
Indoor Band Competition
(u guyz manage to bring back/maintained the Silver Award since last we took part indoor in 1991)

hahaha..took part in Band Fiesta @ Singapore Botanical Garden, (Ping Yi Marching Band and TITANS Alumni Marching Band)

OMS (Youth) 3rd Outdoor appearance
Orkestra Melayu Singapura (Youth) presents...Music in the City @ TAKASHIMAYA

Orkestra Melayu Singapura presents...Fiesta Rama di Panca Indera @ Bedok Reservoir Park

unforgetable memories....KL TRIP wif OMSians cum meet the ASWARA ppl...

OMS (Youth) 3rd Annual camp @ Pasir Ris Holiday Camp