Dienstag, Februar 26, 2008
hallo!!!went to school in the morning..do our project..n guess wat? the project nd to be hand in better by next mondae (3rd March)..wth!! hopefully we can finish it fast.. coz after that we got onli 4 more daes to concerntrate/revise on our theory test..helping Amin on the logo..haha..hope he likes it lah..totally no idea in designing the logo..well im not good at designing lah..
then after tat went for lunch at back of school...hhmm..then me decided not to go for C Maths class..coz im very moody larh..hhmm dnt noe why..then thought of going back PY to help out...n the rain like spoiling my plan u noe..haiz..while waiting for the rain to stp, i was taking a nap, n was shocked i woke up its like 5+ already...wth! i missed it..then sms Daus n Haffiz saying tat im not coming to PY already..by the time i reach, they end the practice already..then juz sms them to meet at Bedok n we went to Gamelan Practice together..
before going to Kallang straight we decided to have our dinner 1st at Panggung Singapura (Geylang Serai) instead of at ASM...well nowadaes i was like so hate the place at ASM..coz of their slow service now..haiz...i missed Abg Mirzi (the Kelantan man who alwaes take our order at ASM for the past 4 yrs...well, we r his regular customer okie..) taking the order..well..he's been 'promoted' to the Kitchen site..haha..n gt new ppl taking order now (this guy is slow larh..i order prata n my prata will come after 30mins later..haiz..)...hhmm...
then meet Wandi at Kampong..off we go to PA together by Cab...hhmm...
i have to say tat, i will not be able to come for OMS senior practice on evry Friday, coz, clash wif my Alumni practice...how!!??? unless they change to Tuesday...hehe....
ya..counting on days (Approx.) :
- 7 more days of Schooling until i graduate
- 8 more days to Poly result
- 11 more daes to PY Band camp
- 46 more days to SYF 08
Sonntag, Februar 24, 2008
i thought today will be a boring day as i thought im gonna stay at home the whole day..but not! haha..well had a plan wif my family,hhmm...followed them to Courts MegaStore @ Tampines..coz my sis gonna buy herself a bed...bed? haha...well..she's changing a bed frm Single to a Super Single bed...hehe....wow...haha..at 1st she wanna buy a Queen size bed..but..later scared it might uses more space so she decided to buy a Super Single bed...hhmm...then arnd 8+ my elder sis family join us... aniwae i was aiming a PSP n Laptop there..haha..
then we decided to have supper at Alfiah (known to be a famous coffee shop at Bedok Central in the 90s..but then they moved to Bedok North Ave 4 area already...)...hhmm..
had myself a Claypot Rice Chicken..eeww..i can say it sux lah..juz a plain white rice n chicken n veg dish...hhmm...
but earlier Fifi sms me n Haffiz ask for lepak-ing at Bedok..but..too bad..u sms me late lah..im outside wif family already...hhmm..nex time k...
Samstag, Februar 23, 2008
hhmm...okie was so tired today that im soo restless now...whole day at Ping Yin i cant even meet the 'Bitch Club'
wonder wat they all did juz now...hope they're having fun...haiz..i missed the fun hehe...
Freitag, Februar 22, 2008
STRESS!!!!im feeling it rite now!!
- VB ASSIGNMENT 3 (I missed 3 lecture...using Database)
- C MATHS (Probability onwards...)
- 6 more hours to complete my ATTACHMENT
- FINAL YEAR EXAM IN 3 WEEKS TIME (hope i'm not been debarred)
- OMS ALLOWANCE IS TOO LITTLE..(how am i supposed to survive for 3 weeks!!)
- MY COMP IS GETTING MORE AND MORE LAGGING!!! (gonna reformat it fast..)
Mittwoch, Februar 20, 2008
a visit to a CISCO company with my fellow classmate....
view frm 36 floor..
a welcome screen saying 'Welcome ITE'
Server room..wah!!
testing on the IP phone...
this is the best..its Telepresence...we actually going live with one of the ppl at Bangalore, India
Mittwoch, Februar 13, 2008
wow...! 4 more weeks to graduate liao!!OMG..how fast was that..nah..actualli 3 more weeks lah..coz the last week is study break..no class till our MAJOR EXAM on the 10th March 2008...while evry1 enjoying counting down, me myself still in the stressful mood nie...haiz..i will not gt the cert untill i complete my IAP...so juz now made an agreement with the section head by agreeing to do some work in school before/after my class..so this will be my roster:
Monday - 3pm - 5pm
Tuesday - 1pm - 5pm
Wednesday - 8am - 2pm
Thursday - 3pm - 5pm
Friday - 2.30pm to 5pm
well...i've been attached to Mr. Razak to do some helping in the lab work...hhmm..how boring would it be huh...but nvr Dynn, tahan tau!! 3 weeks aje..then dhish!!! done!! okie??
i hope i can cope lah...haiz..see lah..got:
- 2 C Maths class test coming,
- 2 VB.Net project
- School
hope i can survive lah...
nnnn....aarrgghh!! I MISSED the class foto taking session!!! hahaha...1st time in my life...haha..to my IT2U..jgn lah korng lupe aku heh...hahaha....
n ya..tmr will be the official application for ITE student to apply for poly, shall i try for tat??? hah..stress lah...i gonna feel sick now...plus im super broke now...OMS pay will be in AFTER CHINGAY!!! aarrgghh!!! cepat lah!!!
and..this 23rd FEBRUARY 2008, its OFFICIALLY MY FINAL THEORY DRIVING TEST is xpired!! WTH!! lambat nye aku nak pass driving nie!!!
but ive made a plan already not to take driving license 1st..im trying to take class 2B instead..hhmm..cheaper...but..as my closed 1 noes tat i had a fobia in biking..ggrr!! its a veri super long story lah..but to hell lah..coz of this stupid fobia i will ride for the rest of my life ke??
n ya, Dynn, life must go on...takkan smpai ke tua nak takot mcm gini??? n i will giv a try lah..
but my decision on taking class 2B was not accepted by my parents..ape lah..they said alot of accident happened in youngster nowadays...but to my parents, (If i pass lah..) i will be veri2 careful...hhmm..my dad was like asking to continue to take class 3....he ask to enroll instead of taking private...but...Duit sini mari dulu lah...haiya..mane nak carik duit gitu banyk..he said he wanna sponsor the car if me or my sis passed...hhmm...shall i take class 3 or class 2B??
n this is the plan B: i'll use my own money to take class 2B, n my dad to sponsor for class 3...haha...evil me huh....
well i've join Marsiling Wind Orchestra juz to help them to take part in the National Band Competition held in July..n i heard TITANS Alumnin Marching Band also taking part...haiz..which 1 shall i join in?? MWO or TITANS??
Donnerstag, Februar 07, 2008
Samstag, Februar 02, 2008
OH GOSH!! look at it!!