Montag, März 31, 2008

(Fierce Bitch)
[30th March]
(SMS Bitch)
[1st April]
Montag, März 24, 2008
it's been officially tat im an ITE back home early todae...supposed to be 530pm...tomorrow supposed to be my last Attachment Day in School...but Mr. Razak announced (arnd 430pm) tat i've completed i do not have to come back already tmr....hhmm...was shocked n after did some werk in 4305 Lab...i can go back home he accompanied me to the Admin blk area..hhmm....juz saying his last word to me...n hope tat i will do well in life in the future....n guess wat??? he did mentioned tat i've done my VERY BEST for my C MATHS!!! omg! im shocked again (n alot of advising/motivation frm him..)...n as the moment i walked out of the school gate n look back at the school building....i dont noe lah wat happened? i began to burst into tears...hhmm...tat tears could be:
i'm gonna miss:
- The school life in ITE (Tampines)
- The three caring teacher, Mr. Razak, Ms. Lena n Ms. Az (thx for ur patience in me)
- My hard werk for wat i've done in all the lab (5204A, 5204B, 5204C, 5204D, 5303, 4305, 2303)...until i fell sick n MC for 2 days..tat i have to come back for another 2 more days..
- Im juz so scared tat wat im gonna do in the future
- I've got to noe tat i did very well for my exams
aarggg!!...okielah i stp for awhile...nnti sedih lagi arh...its been for 1 n half years i ever burst into tears...haha...
n guess wat? Mr. Razak even recommended me to do some Tuition teaching..haha..he said good at Maths...hhmm..n he knew tat huh?? haha...
n now..juz waiting for results tat will be out on 2nd April...hhmm..for the moment trying to find a part time job...hhmm....
Freitag, März 21, 2008
i've update alot of fotos in my multiply...check out heh....
dnt feel like updating my entry for the moment...
BEE.YOU.ASS.WHY mood in progress....
(boring!!?? figure tat out...haha..n let me noe...hehe...*lame...)
Samstag, März 15, 2008
now..holidae mood on!!
well..wat im gonna do huh?? catching up a movie(s)
nah..not tat im going to the cinema to watch or wat...
its juz tat im gonna watch it at
hhmm..lets see..wat movie tat im catching up tis time...:
- Spiderwick
- The Eye
- Carver
- 10,000 B.C
- Enchanted
- Step Up 2
- Meet the Spartan
n more lah..
Freitag, März 14, 2008
SIT BACK, RELAX and ENJOY THE SHOW!!!!Donnerstag, März 13, 2008

Picture Collaged by PICASA 2
Mittwoch, März 12, 2008
i was enjoying watching an Indonesian Horror Movie @ Youtube entitledHantu Beranak Dalam Kubur,
n it rained the whole day....
then i receieved a called frm an unknown no.
guess wat??
ppl frm Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) called
saying tat my 1st application was successful
Diploma in Music
Music (Performance)
Principal Study in Western Orchestral Instrument
Majoring in Clarinet
n i nd to go for the audition which is next week!!
OMG!! tat fast??
why didnt inform in advanced?
while other of my frenz (O level student) received by letter earlier...
n i need to make my audition fee payment latest by tmr (Thursday)...
aarrhg!! n they will give the audition date.
n i was thinking:
- $54 for Audition Fee (okie...affordable)
- $100+ for ABRSM Grade 5 Theory Exam (need to sit during the audition period..n i've nt study yet)
- $1000+ per semester (if my audition pass lah...)
aarrgghh!! NERVOUS TO THE MAX U NOE!!!
wat if....
- i reject the offer (NAFA)?
- i wait for poly result?
- n my poly application was nt successful?
- n there it goes my chance.....haiz...stress again....
Dienstag, März 11, 2008
now i annouce........................
i'm an
EX-ITE Student
ITE College Central (MacPherson)
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005
School of Info-Communication Technology
Nitec in Info-Communication Technology
ITE College Central (Tampines)
May 2006 - March 2008
School of Info-Communication Technology
Higer Nitec in Information Technology
** hhmm..i reallised, ITE life realli "changed" my life...
n i've got to say...i missed Secondary School Life...realli...
Sonntag, März 09, 2008
My Super Saturday....
wat i did yesterday...;
( n i looked tired...)
8am - 11am
went to Ping Yi Marching Band
12nn - 530pm
Singapore Pop Orchestra Rehearsal
(got 2 more new song to learn, I'll Be There and High)
6pm - 9pm
Lepak wif Bitch Club @ Bugis
went makan @ Ah Mei Cafe by Banquet (near NAFA)
ppl join to lepak in order of "appearance"...haha..
(Dynn, Shahir, Zaidi, Farhana, Ghaz, Danial)
9pm - 10pm
(Farina join us after her Family Day with her Company...haha..[braper banyak Family Day nie?] )
Went to Rocket Rhinestone Exhibition @ La Labreria to support my cuzzy n frenz Artwerk.
featuring characters :
yes, a cat named marty cohen
abang body
in collaboration :
Size 7 - Erda
Size 8 - My cuzzy, Noni aka POWW
J@e - Amy

10pm - 12am
Lepak at Bugis again...
(Burok : Burok-er : Burok-est)
(1030pm Farina n Farhana left us)
(11pm Danial Left us)
(12am Ghaz left us)
1am - 4am
(left me, Shahir n Zaidi)
Met Fifi n frenz (his 17's frenz), went for Karaoke-ing @ Cash Studio (Orchard)
(Zaidi didnt join us, he went to his Lasalle frenz plc @ Nassim Rd [his fren is 1 of the 2nd RICHEST MAN in Singapore's SON])
the best thing is we gt to choose a refund of :
- Extend 3o more minutes (meaning we will end at 430am..n the werkers there had to do an overtime n ends their werk there super late...) or
- free 3 hrs session in weekdays (between 1pm-6pm)
reason :
10 more minutes to end our session (which is arnd 350am..n the plc will closed at 4am)..the whole karaoke plc went BLACK OUT!!! n all the servers there r DOWN!!! "Singers" all over the room (total of 24 rooms occupied) were screeming like HELL!! (well..the Abang2 there..the Mats2 there were screeming mcm budak2 lah...haha..very funny...)
n we choosed the free 3 hrs session refund...yey!!
(so fifi, cepat choose!! which of the weekdays we want??? hahaha...)
4am - 630am
lepak wif Fifi n frenz n Shahir too...till we went home safely by Train...
The End
Freitag, März 07, 2008
The 2008 Central Judging of Display Bands and Assessment of Marching Bands for secondary schools will take place on Saturday 12 April 2008 at 4.00 pm at the Hwa Chong Institution.It is a special year as the Display Band Competition will be merged with the Central Judging of Display Bands,
ie, the Display Band of the Year and Best Drum Major award will be announced in April.
This year there will be nine display bands competing and the order of appearance is as follows:
1) Orchid Park Secondary School - (-nil-)
2) Tanjong Katong Secondary School - (Gold w Honours 2006) [Best Display Of The Year 2006]
3) Ping Yi Secondary School - (Gold 2006)
4) Bowen Secondary School - (Gold w Honours 2006)
5) Bukit Panjang Government High School - (Gold 2006)
6) Yusof Ishak Secondary School - (Bronze 2006)
7) West Spring Secondary School - (Silver 2006)
8) Deyi Secondary School - (Gold w Honours 2006) [Best Drum Major of The Year 2006]
9) Springfield Secondary School - (Gold 2006)
The Assessment of Marching Bands will commence at 3.00 pm with six schools participating.
Donnerstag, März 06, 2008 cousin (poww) yesterdae msn-ed me aking for a support frm me n frenz,ya..they'll having an photographing/art work exhibition @ la labreria
Rocket Rhinestone
Venue : La Labreria, 2A Queen St, Level 2 (near Bugis Street Market, opp. Fu Lu Shou Cmplx)
Date : 8th March 2008
Time : 6pm - 10pm
there will be Live Bands n Photo/painting exhibition frm 6 Artistes still not quite sure wat's abt the exhibition...
n, support my cousin's work near the entrance...
- Size 8 - (my cousin's)
- Size 7 - (Erda - The doodler)
- J@e - (Amy - The poet)
hope its gonna b a nice exhibition...
Mittwoch, März 05, 2008
For the mats & minahs in us...Ever wondered what we really mean?
1. Gua [goo-wah] noun – What some mats and minahs use to call themselves. Similar in using “lu” when referring to others. A legacy that dates back to the times of Mat Rocks back in the early 80s.
A common trick that can be played on Mats is to ask them to translate the English phrase “Monkey Cave” into Malay. The mat will then say “Gua Monyet” (I'm a monkey).- HAHAHAAH!!
2. Mat [mat] noun – To the rest of the world, the word simply means a Malay guy. But within the Malay community itself there is a growing disparity in consensus to its actual meaning. Popularly, it's used to denote a guy who converses primarily in Malay, as opposed to the more “English speaking” types. Favourites of the mats include tapered jeans, trucker caps and weepy Malay songs with sickeningly suicidal lyrics.
3. Matrep [mat-rape] noun – An extreme version of the mat. In addition to the usual mat accessories, a matrep will also come adorned with tattoos and matching body-piercings in weird corners of his body.
4. Minah [mee-nah] noun – An expression used to denote a Malay female. Derived from the popular Malay name, Aminah, which used to be all the rage some time ago. It was sort of the “in-thing” to name your daughter Aminah back in the 60s and 70s. In fact, legend has it that if you go to Geylang Serai market and shout “Hai Minah!” at least a quarter of the makcik population there is going to turn around and smile at you.
5. Picit [pee-chet] adjective – When a mat tells you to “picit” him, it does not mean that he is trying to be cheeky (or gay, if he is talking to a fellow mat). It simply means that the mat wants you to call him on his mobile. What were you thinking?
6. Relaksuah [ree-lek-soo-wah] adjective – Official slogan and life motto of the mats and minahs.
7. Sial [see- yal ] noun / adjective – A full stop in every mat's sentence. Eg: “Tadi aku nampak accident sial Rabak sial Aku tak bedek sial Kesian sial” Translation: Just now I saw an accident (full stop) It was bad (full stop) I'm not kidding (full stop) Poor guy (full stop)In its purest form, “sial” means “jinx” but mats have refined the art of using the word to include it at the end of their every sentence. Also comes in the more polite form “siak” and “siul” for those who do not want to sound too crude.
8. Skank [s-kank] adjective - A favourite weird-looking dance performed by mats and minahs. Usually done at any of the various gigs that mats and minahs love to congregate at. At times, you do detect evidence of artistry in the dance but most of the time they just look like they've been possessed by the ghost of a restless retard.
9. Sowie [soh-wee] adjective – An expression of apology used by minahs. Commonly used in SMS and instant messaging. Actually they can just use the word “sorry” like every normal human being but minahs think that it will make them sound extra cute to deliberately talk that way. Example : “I will be late. Sowie!” - I hate it when people use sowie though..
10. Step [se-tep] adjective – To beguile, dissimulate or impersonate something or someone that they are not. Also commonly used to describe a fellow mat or minah who acts in an arrogant manner. E.g.“Kau jangan nak step tak tahu eh?” Translation: Don't you dare feign innocence in this matter. Can also be used as a gerund e.g. “stepping”. See next entry.
11. Step Jambu [se-tep jam-boo] adjective - What minahs do when they are sitting alone in a train and a group of mats walk in. It is a general exercise where the minah “controls” her facial muscles and posture in a way that would make her look her best. This would usually involve looking incessantly at her handphone for no particular reason. - i seen this alot of times!! Any guilty ones out there?
12. Stoppit [setop-eet] adjective – A general expression of intolerance and dismay. When a minah uses this phrase, be very careful for it signals that she is about to lose her cool or get very violent. haha..i use this too!!
Usually directed by minahs in an annoyed manner, followed by the postfix “seh”, “siak” or “sial”. (See entry for “sial” above) Eg: Apasal ngan perangai kau hari ni? Stopitsiak! Transalation : What's up with your attitude today? Enough of it already for goodness' sake!”
And gdness, I do use most of the "language" here. Does that mean I'm a mat?
Eh tapi releksua, aku bukan mat2 heh.... HAHAHA!! STOPPIT SIAKKK!!
Dienstag, März 04, 2008
helping an online friend : -Who wants to purchase a
1 month old 60 GB PS3
with 2 original controllers,
HDMI cables,
and original games:
- winning 11 2008,
- fifa 08,
- wwe smackdown vs raw2008....
selling cheap at $800 negotiable...
please msg me here asap...
delivery to doorstep....
please help to forward this to your friends...
Elfaeza Ul Haq