Samstag, Mai 31, 2008
hhmmm...i gonna like this song much!!Yovie & Nuno - Menjaga Hati
Masih tertinggal bayanganmu
Yang telah membekas di relung hatiku
Hujan tanpa henti seolah pertanda
Cinta tak di sini lagi
Kau tlah berpaling
Biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini, ohh
Menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri
Engkau pergi, aku takkan pergi
Kau menjauh, aku takkan jauh
Sebenarnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
Masih adakah cahaya rindumu
Yang dulu selalu cerminkan hatimu
Aku takkan bisa menghapus dirimu
Meski ku lihat kini
Kau di seberang sana
Repeat reff
Andai akhirnya
Kau tak juga kembali
Aku tetap sendiri
Menjaga hati
Repeat reff [3x]
Sejujurnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
Freitag, Mai 30, 2008
my legs still hurt now (muscle aches)..hehe..coz..yesterdae (Wed) when for a jog wif d east BKs (Mai, Daus n Fiz) @ Bedok Reservoir Park..but surprisingly i improved on my 2.4Km run..improved heh...not passed...hehe..manage to complete @ a time of 13mins (i "accidentally" walk for 1KM..ggrr!)...hehe...ya ya i noe..the passing marks is 11-12mins..isit??? hhmm...actually my intention is to run for 2.4 onli...then u turn back...BUT MUZ A WELL I FINISH UP the whole BRP rite!! its 4.8KM onli...haha...but after 2.4 i walk for 1.5KM..then slow jog up to finish line...hehe...after we all met up...we went to Bdk Res estate to have a up energy skit...dah lari lari then isap rokok! ape nie! kate nak keep fit!!??then went to Bdk North area to meet Farina n Fifi...ya..Farina n Fifi tau...haha..ppl frm Bt Batok n AMK sanggup to turon Bedok..ape kes nie??? haha...then we juz lepak @ Garden Hill where there's no ppl there...biase lah..bile bitches2 tua nie dah meet...nak gossip je...haiz...tats our lifes...BITCH KLUBZ mah...we must gossip whenever we met...then Farina suggested for a plan for thursday..b4 OMS..(coz farina took a urgent leave for the fun of it)..they wanna go ECP arh..for cycling etc...
on Thursday,
k managed to meet the BKs at ECP arnd 4+..Farina n Daus r there since 11am...hehe...u noe they noe tat i want to enjoy my sleeping by the time we met them (Farina, Fifi, Shahir n Daus) they'll playing bowling (mentang mentang dah kaya raya di hari raya...) so i joined..together wif Mai, Shira n Dan later...then arnd 630+ off we go for OMSY practice...hhmm..ok ok arh...the attendance were alwaes the same..tengok mood agknye..haiz...then had a Dinner/Supper @ ASM...mane lagi kan??? then went home straight...
when reached home..did nothing dad bought Chicken Rice for us (My Sis, Brother n myself)...but he bought arnd evening..(lucky my brother had it when its still warm..) n we wanted (have to) to eat at arnd 12pm+...(coz me n my sis reached home arnd late 11pm..) then my dad ask to check..basi ke tak?? sis was like..nvrmind nasi dah tak elok still gt the chicken, still can eat...then my mum said klau dah tak elok then jgn mkn, nnti sakit perut!!...but lucky me still no mood (didnt want..since i ate prata at ASM juz now) to eat..was lying at the sofa..(layan kan kelengohan kaki ku..haha..malas nak g kitchen..while i watched her njoy eating the chicken...hehe)...
aniwae..OMS allowance was wow!! hehe...klah...lega hatiku sikit gt to pay back my parents wat i some ppl..akan ku byr slowly heh...installment k??..*wink* promise2...
k then had a long chat (MSNed) wif Zul..
then cotinue back wif Mai (well Mai..secret2 kie??)...
haha..panas bontot aku dudok lamer2...ended chatting wif her arnd 4+...
then i reallised someone kept goin in n out the toilet...IT'S MY SIS!! haha..padan muke kau...kan skarng dah skit perut!!! haha...hhmm..i thnk she vomit abt 2 times...hehehehehe...oops!
gosh!! im sleepy now...!! c ya!!
Donnerstag, Mai 29, 2008
hallo!!good..i woke up at 11am!! instead of 6-7pm+ every day...
haha..yay! great achievement..aniwae i think now, the BKs are enjoying themselves at ECP i think..hhmm..shall i meet them later?? wat i noe, they're goin for cycling, swimming etc...etc? wat else can we do at ECP..hhmm..nah..nvrmind..BKs, juz wait for the arrival of me...hehe..mayb i'll meet them arnd tat later can go for OMS practice wif them...hehe..ade kawan skit...
Montag, Mai 26, 2008

to BKs out there..
sorrie if i didnt gt to go out wif u guyz juz now..
hope you all had a great day juz now...
i promise...nex wk nex wk k? when we all will b kaya raya di hari raya k..?
Sonntag, Mai 25, 2008
Samstag, Mai 24, 2008
Mittwoch, Mai 21, 2008
Dienstag, Mai 20, 2008
Residents in several areas in Singapore said they felt tremors at about 10.40pm on Monday, following a quake which hit Indonesia's Sumatra island.but i dnt felt anything?? hhmm..where am i when the tremors happened??? oh ya!! im in the bus frm AMK to Bedok...hehe...(hhmm..rase gegaran dalam bas lagi kuat dari tremors...tats y i dnt feel the tremors...duh! hehehe...)
Okie my comment on Congkak.
well i rated it 8/10
hhmm..ya..i like the story's interesting..
but the ghost etc..was'nt tat scary lah...
the sound effect heh, tolong lah!!! part ade hantu je then on ok.. tak payah part-part bukak pintu pon ade sound effect..terperanjat kan org! (aku termelatah skit tau!! nasib baik tkde org dgr!! its fun tengok surrounded by makcik2 n family...haha...they melatah lagi burok! so far melatah itu dpt ku di-maintain-kan..)
n the actor/actress, hehe...Lisa (Erynne Erynna) was cute (as a little girl)..ya..but...Elly (Erin Malek heh?) lagi cute!! haha...
"kita pegi umah opah la... kita main congkak..."
Montag, Mai 19, 2008
Happi Holiday to evry1!!nah...evryday is a holiday to me..hehe.. not much thing gonna do..
since all the bitches are on budget..
hhmm..nvrmind..there's alwaes nex time to go out..
well..gonna lepak with the Bedok bitches later..but im not gonna stay long..had to meet my sis n family @ AMK..hehe..well..we gonna watch Congkak!! yeah! at last...hhmm..i think this is my 1st time watching Malay Horror movie in Cinema...we goin to watch @ Jubilee Eng Wah..wonder if the movie is scary or not..hehe..i like!!
Samstag, Mai 17, 2008
Freitag, Mai 16, 2008
not much things to say actually...aniwae...i've planned wif the Young Adult Bitches..
hhmm..well..we thought of our nex Overseas trip.. (since when we gt went overseas huh??!! Ubin n Sentosa wat..haha..)
k..our plan now is to....
yeah Bali...!!
we planned to go on the end of the year..
nah..its juz a Budget trip...
i'll plan se-budget budget nye k???
hope the plan will come true heh...
haha...but still, if they r not going...huh!!? alone...haha...well...its time for me to be independent n travel alone wat...
well...coz tats my dream is to travel arnd the world when i grow up...hahahaha...
*so bitches, u gt exactly Six Months to save up to S$600...pls use ur $$ wisely...hehe...*
Mittwoch, Mai 14, 2008
hallo!did nothing much today...
Me, Daus, Haffiz n Fifi went to Bedok CC to watch Dermaga Seni Pusaka (DSP) grp (some Gamelan grp) practicing (supposed, Wandi to be there...end up he's nt there...ggrr!!!) far the grp was okie lah...wat i noe, they r more into Kuda Kepang tune n they perform for weddings too...its good for a new Gamelan grp to have an exposure like tat..
well..we dnt stay long there...we left arnd 9+..then off we go to Bedok Central...went to Pasar Malam...Jalan jalan..n then lepak for awhile..then we went home arnd 11+...
Montag, Mai 12, 2008
OMG!!i've woke up super early now!!
ya!! i woke up at FIVE THIRTY AM okie!!
hhmm..been online since early in the morning...
wat i wanna do now?? shall i follow my mum to the market?? (boleh aku bli macam-macam....)
haha...or...continue sleeping arnd 11am+?? no no...
well...later gt Gamelan practice at 7.30pm..ya..7.30pm okie...pls pls..dnt be late...
okielah..gonna watch online movie...lets c..wat movie to watch.. (Indonesian movie) (latest movie)
n yeah...done wif Dancing Queen n MCI juz left wif labeling the Chords onli...yeah!
Sonntag, Mai 11, 2008
Samstag, Mai 10, 2008
hhmm..okie..the whole dae im out...met Daus n Bedok NTUC..since i wanna enjoy the air-con inside while waiting for Mai n her fren, Shafa isit?? hehe..then i supposed to buy n sign up for Mai's prepaid..end up Daus did....haha..i totally dnt noe how to buy prepaid lah..hhmm..the last time i bought was like when im was in sec was in 2002!!! n not me who register/ brother did...then Daus received a call frm our PY Band mates n some Alumni..they ask for had no choice..juz met them 1st...actually we was abt to go AMK Hub...i wanna return the DVD tat i rent 5 daes ago..aniwae its overdue already...then since, Qamar n Fuad gt nowhere to go..they sent us there by car...yeah! Save duit tambang aku...hehe...then at there we met Fifi n Shahir...we had our Lunch/Dinner AMK Banquet...then arnd 630+, Qamar, Fuad n Daus going back Bedok while me, Fifi n Shahir took bus to Kallang for OMS...
well..nothing to said abt OMS...we juz run thru the whole alot of things to do now...haiz..Abg Jais asked me to re-write the whole Dancing Queen parts n re-write MCI Medley for guitar onli...i was so pissed off with these both songs lah...the arranger (k dont mention name here..) was super duper stupid write a rhythm tat was so complicated...was in the middle of Dancing Queen n the whole of the Guitar Arpeggios parts like so in details..alots of Semi a tie semi quavers lah..etc...tat makes me really2 like wanna vomit..why u dont juz put in the Chords n ask the player to play in arpeggios?? (n i bet, none of the player will play as written...) ggrr!! i dnt noe why..totally had no choice has to take a break...b4 i gt sick...haha....n i really hate this part, where there's a lot of Cymbal rolls..the score wrote Semi quavers triplets (MIDI mah..)...tat supposed to be a Cymbal roll ok..u can juz put semi breves n a roll sign...ggrr again!! k enough of tat...
then after OMS, gonna meet back Qamar, Daus n this time wih Haffiz...hhmm...we really had no other place to go in we all suggested to go Mount Faber n lepak there..haha..this is so funny..We lost our wae to Mt Faber, we kept rounding2 in the town area for abt 3 rnds..cant find our wae at traffic lite, Qamar asked the Taxi driver for Direction...n end up we gt to the place...
its arnd 1130++ the NS ppl want to check if their pay is in or Qamar gave me the opportunity to Drive i was like..r u sure?? no no no....i juz drive up to the other carpark... its been for 1 n half years tat i last i went basics were totally lost...when reached at the 1 wae road with 1 lane, i was so panic already..theres alot of car parking along the road..Taxi alighting passenger some more..then gt Security like standing in the middle of the road...he's like directing the road users i was so so realli panic tat i shout here n there...n i cant stand n i pull over to the side..wanted to parallel-ing to the curb...n dhish!! i hit the curb..n tat bring more to the panic part..the car totally slunted...haffiz was sitting beside me...i even shout at wat should i do now?? Handbrake? Brake? Wat to do with the gear?? mus i reverse the car??? n the most funny part is, i engage to Handbrake n in Parking gear already, n i dnt dare to release the Foot brake...i even said, "if i release the brake, the car will move or not!!???? no rite??? no rite???" haha..stupid lah.. the security kept asking to go...dnt stp.....haha..hell funny... so i was realli2 panic there..the ppl in the car realli noes what my reaction in the car..i kept quickly change back driver..n done! we r safe...n Daus, klau kau nak ketawe, ketawe lah sekuat kuat hati kau...jgn maintain heh...haha...
so, by then, their pay should be in ape lagi!!! makan besar arh....hhmm..okie..we ate at Newton Food Center again...n gues wat?? we saw Jaclyn Victor....haha!! they were like 5 tables awae frm us...
Dynn: Eh! tu Jaclyn Victor kan?? (me sang Gemilang)
Daus: bukanlah...dier kan hitam...
Rest : *Laugh
Dynn: yelah!! kat sini nampak putih..kat TV org make up kan dier hitam..instead of white/normal powder..haha
Rest: *laugh again
Daus/Rest: Mayb arh...
surrounding : *ppl taking foto wif here
Dynn: then asal org amik2 gmbr ngan dier???
Rest: should be her wat event heh???
so after we ate..was realli full, then decided to went home...sent Daus 1st..but me, Qamar n Haffiz didnt went home yet..still gt time to lepak in Bedok area, Haffiz turn to test ride the car...n Qamar Forced!! me to drive again...Jeng Jeng Jeng.....
end up we went hm arnd 3am++...
Freitag, Mai 09, 2008
Ping Yi Marching Band Motivation VideoMittwoch, Mai 07, 2008
KEN LEE (Can't Live)- Without YouAudition
Samstag, Mai 03, 2008
Okie... todae supposed to meet Farina, Fifi n Shahir @ 2pm for a movie at Cineleisure..but WTH is happening to me?? i overslept badly...hehe...well end up woke up at 4pm...saw my fone having more than 10 miss calls n some SMSes...i was so damn pissed off lah..coz b4 i slept (arnd 8am) i forgot to turn my fone to normal mode frm Silent mode...ggrr!!! but im realli sorry tat i cnt meet up them 1st..i had a date..hhmm..ya..coz arnd 5pm had to met my Secondary School Classmates for some gathering lah..we ate at Lau Pa Sat..well realli missed them so much...4 yrs didnt gt to meet them...n at last we meet...the gathering supposed to be more ppl lah..but in the end...not all can turn up..coz of work n etc....after we ate..we all sat at Merlion area..frm there we start our gossips...haha...n Flash back all the times in sch...haha...realli funny when we thought back...n heard some stories tat some of our classmate/schoolmate are married, some r realli spoilt as in the person's taking ****, OMG!...n was shocked to hear tat, 1 of them is being a prostitute (*roll eyes*)...hhmm tats the bad part lah...hope they will go to the correct path lah...n i heard, wat they gonna do now..the next meet up, so called reunion chalet...there's gonna be a theme...guess wat??? the theme is...WE GONNA WEAR OUR SECONDARY SCHOOL UNIFORM WHEN WE MEET UP!!!! OMG!! how fun was that!!??
n its almost 1230am..cant stay long with them..coz im still have to meet the i met back Haffiz, Daus, Shahir, Fifi n Dan and Merlion area itself...n this time we going back Ang Mo Kio to catch a movie...hhmm..well we watched Iron Man...out of 5 i rated 3 onli....hhmm...yup yup!!
Freitag, Mai 02, 2008

yeah! realli had fun East Coast-ing wif the Bitch Klubz...
well..having a sunburnt now...n OMG!! my skin is peeling off!!

thnx heh.."Aku Curik!!!"
more pics pls click here