Sonntag, August 31, 2008
Sonntag, August 24, 2008
yesterday didnt do much things coz its raining d whole dae..haiz..decided not to follow Mai, Farina n Fifi for a movie..they're watching 4Bia...haha..i actually told them tat i watched already online, but i haven't!!! its a different movie tat i forgt the tittle...i remember i watched the trailer onli...haha..haiz..i know tat horror movie is great to watch..nvrmind I'll catch up the movie soon...hhmm..with hu heh? watch alone?? hhmm...aniwae...after tat i think Mai need to go back home..she didnt joine to see the firewers display....Samstag, August 23, 2008
im realli aiming for tis lah!!

- 10.1 megapixels
- Optical lens shift VR image stabilization
- ISO 3200 capability for extended shooting range
- Expansive 3.0-inch LCD monitor for quality viewing and menu operation
Berita Harian
23 Aug 2008

TIGA kesenian Melayu - kompang, gamelan dan kuda kepang - dipersembah sempena sambutan ulang tahun ke-60 kumpulan Kesenian Tedja Timur (Ngawur) baru-baru ini.
Berlangsung di Dewan Singgahsana, Kampung Melayu Geylang Serai, Sabtu lalu, acara dimulakan dengan persembahan gamelan oleh kumpulan Singa Nglara dari Universiti Nasional Singapura (NUS).
Ini diikuti dengan persembahan kompang oleh Dermaga Seni Pusaka dan persembahan kuda kepang serta wayang kulit oleh Ngawur.
Kesenian Tedja Timur ditubuhkan pada 1948 di Indonesia dan kemudian berkembang ke Singapura. Sejak 1992, kumpulan itu mengadakan persembahan di Kampung Melayu Geylang Serai setiap Sabtu.
Pengarah Artistik yang juga penyelaras Ngawur, Encik Iswandi Arjo, 25 tahun, berkata kumpulannya berlatih setiap malam Sabtu bagi acara tersebut.
'Dengan kehadiran Ramadan tidak lama lagi, kami akan berhenti membuat persembahan di Kampung Melayu selama dua bulan.
'Sabtu lalu adalah persembahan terakhir kami sebelum berehat. Secara kebetulan ia sempena usia Ngawur ke-60 tahun dan kami buat secara besar-besaran.
'Ini adalah kali pertama kami bergabung dengan dua kumpulan lain, yang turut memberi persembahan menarik,' katanya.
Semasa persembahan malam itu, orang ramai berpeluang menikmati wayang kulit, yang jarang dipersembah di sini.
Sebanyak tiga cerita dipersembah - Ramayana, Goro-Goro dan Mahabratha.
Yang menarik, persembahan wayang kulit itu diiringi lakonan. Ia bertujuan membolehkan penonton memahami jalan cerita yang dipesembah.
Pak Dalang persembahan itu ialah Drs Welas Subagyo.
Seorang peminat seni tari Jawa, Encik Ahmad Zaki Ahmad, 30 tahun, berkata beliau teruja dengan persembahan itu.**I'm realli proud of u guyz Tedja!! but im realli sorrie tat i cnt attend...
Freitag, August 22, 2008
its been a long time tat i blog huh!!hhmm..well..its juz tat i've got problem wif my internet connection..i dnt understand why must it happened?? haiz..
yeah!! officially 2 months over n left arnd 1 n a half months to go till POP!! hehe..
tat was really fast huh!!?
done wif all the physical test like
-Final IPPT
-Police Standard Obstacle Course
-Shooting Test
n coming in next week is Swimming test n Drill test...
yeah! after all this test done, we onli left wif our 150 MCQ n 10 immediate Failure (IF) test (LAW TEST!!) n Scenario-Based Test (which will be on the 2nd week of Sept.)...then we will be relaxing n juz concentrate on our Super Grand Passing Out Parade rehearsal!! tat fast huh!! cnt wait...hehe...n wat i heard tat, we will be POP-ing wif the OCT n some Regular squads...hhmm..i wonder how grand it gonnna be...?? **i promise i will invite some of u guyz for the event..(by invitation onli heh...hehe..)
**n my ma'am ask me to perform an item for the POP dinner (23-10-08) playing the Clarinet!!?? huh?? how?? haha!! n of coz i reject to perform? n wat to perform by playing the clarinet onli!!?? haha...
aniwae, i decided on my vocational choices already..
i chose :
-Neighborhood Police Center Officer (NPCO)
-Airport Patrol Police
-NS Ops Officer (which may be deployed to ground too) and
-Staff Assistant
n juz wanna share arnd my results:
- Shooting Test
- Marksman! (hehe...)
-Trial Run - 4.45mins (in half U.)
-Final Test - 4.42mins (full U. wif Hand Cuff, T-Baton, Revolver n PR Set which is a total weight of 5KG hanging on ur waist..hhmph!)
(passing marks is! tat was close huh!)
Sit Ups
1st test - 32
2nd test - 43
3rd test - 33
Final Test - 42
Standing Board Jump
1st test - 234cm
2nd test - 230cm
3rd tst - 225cm
Final Test - 234cm
Shuttle Run
1st test - 10.7s
2nd test - 9.8s
3rd tst - 9.6s
Final Test - 9.2s
Chin Up
1st test - 0
2nd test - 1
3rd tst - 4
Final Test - 4
2.4KM Run (6 rounds around the stadium track)
1st test - 13.09mins
2nd test - 11.57mins
3rd tst - 11.47mins
Final Test - 11.24mins
*but bcoz of my chin up, it's still consider failed!! n i have to retest juz my Chin Up evry week till i pass..n passing for chin up is 6...hhmm..common dynn!! 2 more pull then u pass lah!!..
**1 more week to Ramadan!!! yeah! but raya mood for me lah tis time..haiz..juz endure lah dynn...hope training during the fasting month will be they say it's realli relaxing during d fasting month training..tats y they push up n wan to finish all the physical test b4 the fasting month...n i miss Buka-ing wif the OMSian in OMS room!! haha!!
***n watever post i've bn posted to, there will be another 3 months residential for NPCO n Airport patrol..ggrr!! tat means i will b in HTA again till like end of January 2009!!! WTH!!!!
n realli miss going for OMS n PAGE practice lah!! n they will be having an annual camp like on December!!! @ Punggol somemore!! aarrg!!! i wanna go lah!!
Dienstag, August 12, 2008
Tag 17 Facts About Me:
1. Simple n Easy going
2. Loves to be wif my Family n Frenz
3. Being an Uncle at the age of 4!!
4. Serving the NS as SPF (still considering of Signing on)
5. 4th Child n the youngest in the Family
6. loves Cats!! hehe..
7. Clarinetist n Gamelanist
7 Things That Scares Me:
1.End of world
3.Losing my Loving Family
4.Disappointing my family
6.losing my frenz
7.I have to be Independent n lived by myself
7 Songs Playing in My Head Lately:
1. Coldplay - Viva la Vida
2. Republik - Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu
3. Acha Spetriasa - Cinta Bertahan
4. Kerispatih - Tapi Bukan Aku
5. Dewa - Arjuna
6. Bond - Libertango
7. Letto - Permintaan Hati
7 Valuable Things in My Life:
1. my K770i Sony Ericsson HP
2. ATM Card
3. EzLink
4. PSP
5. IPod Shuffle
6. BVLGARI Perfume
7. 8.1 MP Panasonic Camera
can i add 1 more???
8. Ciggarette!! hehe..
7 "First Time" in My Life:
1. Being in Orkestra Melayu Singapura
2. Playing in the Gamelan Group
3. Took part in SYF2002 n we get Silver!!
4. Travel to KL wif frenz
5. Have my own Finacial (its hard to maintained ok!!)
6. NBC 2008 (1st indoor comp. for me)
7. Serving the NS as SPF (haha!! duh!)
7 Words/Things I Always Use/Say:
1. "Dengar Dengar!!??"
2. "Ape nie!!??"
3. "Wat the Hell!!?"
4. "" (when i answer phone call..)
5. "oh! mak kau!!" (semi-melatah!! haha..)
6. "Good! Keep it up!!"
7. "heh??"
Tag 2
Answer these questions honestly~~ ( formalities )
1 ) Are you allowed to have a bf/gf?
- Duh!! at my age now i should have 1..haha..Dad dah warning dah.."Duit NS nie kau simpan..uat kahwin" (Huh!!??)
2 ) Describe urself in one word
- Lazy
3 ) Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
- Someone who really loves me...hehe
4 ) Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?
- hhmm..juz an Admire je lah..
5 ) Does it feel good to love?
- it feels so much comfortable when theres someone around you, loving you, care bout you.. hhmmm.. =(
6 ) God is giving u just 5 more minutes to live, IF you love someone special what will you say to that person?
- (no idea!)
7 ) What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you??
- "Suke hati kau lah eh.."
8 ) Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
- Mayb..i dnt remember..
9 ) What's your opinion about someone who's jealous?
- if the persons felt jealous, we juz talk n settle it among ourself.
10 ) What can you say about playboys/playgirls?
- alah..nie smue dorng ngat kan dorng nie Handsome/Lawa short, 'Bawah dah gatal!!' haha!
[[ * PART 2 * ]]
1 ) Best place to cry?
- When no one sees me!! hehe
2 ) Who do you love the most?
- My Family
3 ) Tell us ur dream las night?
- no dream lah last nite..
4) Ever hated someone so bad?
- ya ya!! got!! i hate the person tat i didnt even want to face the person's face..ggrr!!
5 ) The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
- When i didnt gt wat i want..
[[ * LAST PERSON... * ]]
:: had a beer wif?
- Fifi, Fiz, (one closed fren of mine, a girl, that i cant mentioned her name here..) n One
Trumpet girl frm MWS
:: went to the movies with?
- My Family..we watched 'Congkak'..haha..
:: talked on the cell phone with?
- My Mum
:: u hugged?
- Blakie the Cat
:: u yelled at?
- My Brother
>> Kissed sumone?
- Blakie the Cat
>> Sing/sung/song?
- yeah..when i hear a song tat i familiar wif..
>> Danced crazy?
-, i dnt think..
// Think of the las time u were angry, why were u angry?
- When my HP been terminated by SINGTEL!! WTH!!
- My ATM card been retained in the machine!! Fuck offt tat ATM macine *at Bedok NTUC!!
// You will die in 3 mins. Last call?
- My Family n Closed Frenz
// If you could do anything OR wish anything, wad would it be?
- To have a suitable job wif affordable salary a support my family..
// Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?
- no..(realli huh?)
// Are you old fashioned?
- sometimes old fashioned is cool!!
// What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
- at 1st i dnt tell them straight at the point..but will ask them, "Can we be frenz?"..then slowly start the process..hehe..
// What things would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
- When i want to do something it wont be perfect...
Name 10 people to do this survey
1. Leen
2. Ayu
3. Farina
4. Maimunah
5. Hasni
6. Firdiana
7. Syahirah
8. Fifi
9. Wandi
10. Zoul
* n those who have read this..
Montag, August 11, 2008
i was browsing the past fotos in my multiply..i must say..
i realli missed the moments i had wif all my frenz n family..
- Outing wif BKs (its a must to have a full attendance..but we always short of ppl..hehe)
- During the school times..
- Johor-ing wif Fifi, Zaidi n Haffiz. (sanggup overnite at Hafiiz house @ Jln Sutera..haha..)
- KL Trip wif Lenny, Kak Rye, Agb Azlan, Haffiz n Fifi (cum meeting the ASWARA ppl..n i lurve the appartment we stayed in!!!)

- Balik Kampong-ing wif Family (new experience celebrating Hari Raya Haji there..)

- n some past years Raya fotos
*n i heard tat my parents nak balik kampong after raya...nak ikot!!! hahahaha...
take note!
i've changed no. again
**i'm realli sorrie bout tat huh**
Sonntag, August 10, 2008
before i begin...juz wanna wish Singaporean out there a
HAPPY 43rd Birthday to Singapore
aniwae..yesterday (090808) gt to watch the firewerks display wif my fellow BKs..yeah! my sis n ayu (niece) n frenz joined us too..met the Bks (Danial, Fifi, Farina, Farhana, Rafiq n Shahir) arnd 730 at Raffles Quay area..thankx to them for reserving the place (even though there's alot of Tapi tapi!!! aarrgghh!!)..haha..we really had fun watching the display especially wif the BKs arnd us...sorie Bks i had to Super Maintained my attitude..i might look maintained..but sundal sesundal sudalnye di dalam...hahahahaha...
after that we had our Dinner/Supper at Raffles Hospital Banquet @ Bugis...hehe..decided not to eat at Lau Pa Sat (Duh! confem ramai org giler!!)..then juz a short lepaking wif the Bks then they had to go off..then left me, Fifi n Dan..since Fifi n Dan wanted to wait for their last bus..they joined my sis n frenz for a Shisha-ing at Arab usual..we played all the stupid games there..our trademark BKs card game, The Name Game n Dont look at each other faces....then at 1130 Fifi n Dan left...
then we continued lepaking there n went home arnd 2am+...

**2 months over, 2 more months to go!!! yayness!!**
Freitag, August 01, 2008
*hopefully the hard disk didnt create any problem again n again n again!! *cross fingers*