Donnerstag, Februar 26, 2009
tis gonna sounds so veri the good news to some of u lah...noe wat? werk, after Taking Over Duty from the other arnd 1 hr later arnd 9am+...i was day dreaming staring at the CCTV...suddenly my phone rang (SMS)...guess wat?? i received frm an unknown no...Stated;
gosh! i juz applied tat thru online 2 weeks ago..n got lucky am i huh...(where some of the other regular last time has to wait for more than a month...)
but tat doesnt sounds exciting to me...haha...i ask for an opinion frm my regulars...most of them said, its better tat i complete my NS 1st then apply for regular...coz the pay will be slightly higher..n i agreed with it's up to me..well..i had to ignore the SMS....haiz...but i did tis for my own good...haha....n the advantage is after i complete my NS i will be having more experience...n i can apply straight thru my OC (few months b4 my ORD date)..tats more easier..n chances of getting in is higher i will juz stick to my plan 1st...n FYI im not ready to have a fixed job gonna enjoy my NS life 1st....
Donnerstag, Februar 19, 2009
i used to be a fans of Nana & Achik in my early teenscant miss buying their albums last time (hhmm..smangat heh..)
until now i realized tat they have come out wif a new song again (isit a new song?)
and currently addicted to the song..
if u followed up frm their 1st featured song till the latest 1, actually theres a frm their "cinta monyet" until each of them had gone their own ways (both happily married with their loves ones n had a child)
:: Restu ::
::Gurauan Berkasih::
::Memori Berkasih::
::Resipi Berkasih::
::Adat Berkasih::
::Pelangi Jiwa::
::Benang Emas::
::Tragedi Cinta::
Dienstag, Februar 17, 2009
Montag, Februar 16, 2009
hallo! okie i forced myself to blog lah...actually realli realli got nothing to blog realli ran out of idea abt blogging..hhmm...juz gt back frm nite shift..n thnk god im doing RTSM (My 3rd time) again..(actualli i didnt noe wat RTSM stands for..its juz tat my werk is to issue all the equipment tat the officers need like PR set, Flash lights, PDA, tint meter, short equipment for them to bring out for patrolling)..the good thing after the patrol side had loan/return their loan...i will be free and slacking and even can today i brought my lappy...well so sad tat i didnt had a modem wif me..nah...a connection at home is enough lah..why waste money on tat stuff huh where u can gt free wireless arnd wat i did with tat lappy? I play The Sims all the way...hehe...
and oh ya! my wish realli came true...hehe..well i was aiming for a laptop since veri long until now i owned one...hhmm...well...muz thnkx my dad for helping me to pay the cash while i have to pay him by monthly installment...hehe...great planning huh...and now, i left wif a few bucks in my bank acct. due to alot of spending...haiz...but man..i spent for wat i need okie...hhmm...n ya..i was shock tat the next available driving practical lesson was way too long lah...i have to wait for abt 1 n half month..which is in the 25th March..sooo long rite?? (mcm gini smpai bila mau game huh!!!)..i shall take revenge..gonna book alot of prac. lesson straight...huahuahua....n ya..i bought myself a China Fone..yes!! a China Fone...but i think it was 'fun' to have 1..hahaha...
Donnerstag, Februar 05, 2009
hai again..!! okie im back blogging again i told u guys, that i will blog if i feel like blogging..haha...anywae...juz wanna share wif u all that;ok i received a shared video at youtube frm an unknown user entitled Shah Alam Racism (i oso dnt noe what's the title Shah Alam Racism gt to do wif the video lah...) when i watched, quite pitiful for the accused lah...
actually the point of the video is abt a guy (malay) asking on the accused (a malay guy too) that why he wldnt robbed on a Chinese or Indian ppl..etc....mayb tat suites the title lah..haha...
but!!! when their (Malaysia) police officer arrived, the part tat realli caught me into attention was..hahaha...see how the police officer realli realli realli did their job!!! haha...(bukan nak action lah..) u can 1st, tat officer supposed to hand cuffed him and escort him to the police car..(ok the escort part is correct..but he still need to hand cuffed him wif the police hand cuff 1st..haha..) aniwae..then..while the accused is in the car, the recovering officer supposed to be wif him all the way/time..!! (wat if the accused run out???) and the best part is, they even put the accused behind the driver seat...haiz....apa dah! Malaysia boleh?? haha...
Video Details:
Ever wonder how the Minister of Education runs the education system in Malaysia.
These students should be ashamed of themselves. Remember not to hire anyone affiliated or was once affiliated to Shah Alam institutions.
The boy squatting says " Ko pergi ler curi India ker , Cina ker " ,
He is suggesting to the suspect that stealing from the Indians or Chinese is ok. The converstaion starts at 0:44 to 0:48. Try to close your eyes when listening. Send me the vids once finish ok.
Category: News & Politics
Tags: Shah Alam Racism
Mittwoch, Februar 04, 2009
Demi Cinta
Maaf ku telah menyakitimu
Ku telah kecewakanmu
Bahkan ku sia-siakan hidupku
Dan ku bawa kau seperti diriku
Walau hati ini terus menangis
Menahan kesakitan ini
Tapi kulakukan semua demi cinta
Akhirnya juga harus ku relakan
Kehilangan cinta sejatiku
Segalanya tlah kuberikan
Juga semua kekuranganku
Jika memang ini yang terbaik
Untuk diriku dan dirinya
Kan ku terima semua demi cinta
Jujur aku tak kuasa
Saat terakhir ku genggam tanganmu
Namun yang pasti terjadi
Kita mungkin tak bersama lagi
Bila nanti esok hari
Kutemukan dirimu bahagia
Ijinkan aku titipkan kisah cinta kita selamanya
Maaf ku telah menyakitimu
Ku telah kecewakanmu
Bahkan ku sia-siakan hidupku
Dan ku bawa kau seperti diriku
Walau hati ini terus menangis
Menahan kesakitan ini
Tapi kulakukan semua demi cinta
Akhirnya juga harus ku relakan
Kehilangan cinta sejatiku
Segalanya tlah kuberikan
Juga semua kekuranganku
Jika memang ini yang terbaik
Untuk diriku dan dirinya
Kan ku terima semua demi cinta
Jujur aku tak kuasa
Saat terakhir ku genggam tanganmu
Namun yang pasti terjadi
Kita mungkin tak bersama lagi
Bila nanti esok hari
Kutemukan dirimu bahagia
Ijinkan aku titipkan kisah cinta kita selamanya