Dienstag, März 24, 2009

Samstag, März 07, 2009
yeah! IT show is coming @ Suntec!!well..this time..im gonna hunt for a MP3 player..
hhmm..looking for either;
Creative Mozaic
Samsung YP-K3
Donnerstag, März 05, 2009
If you enjoyed your high school years, you'll do it.If you have nothing else to do, you'll do it.
If you're here to read the questions/answers and pretend to hate to do it, deep down you'll still do it.
This tag is so fun because the answers can go on and on.
Read if you miss your high school years.
Bio Data
1) Which school did you go to?
Ping Yi Secondary School
2) What classes were you in?
1/21, 2/21, 3/21, 4/21
3) What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?
hhmm..Upper Sec. is at 1050hrs isit??
5) List down your favourite food/snacks.
Nasi Briyani uncle Ali!!!
1) Did you have a nickname way back in high school?
2) How did you wear your socks?
of coz ankle socks..
3) Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform?
suspended? no..onli my ankle socks been consficated..haha..luckily its the 1st day of the week..haha..
4) Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?
yup! my hair!!
5) Who did you look up to when you were in high school?
of coz my clans..n its time for a gossip time..
1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class.
i was talking n laughing in the class loudly n kena stand on the chair..not onli me ok..some of my classmates too..haha..
2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?
i'll skip class onli if there is a after exam post activities..n i remember we all went to a blk near Bedok North Sheng Siong n we played blk catching!! haha..
3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished.
After we smoked near the School Hall Toilet n 1 by 1 sneak out n pretend nothing happend..n we did it!!
4) Did you vandalize any school property?
at computer lab!! i peeled off the keyboard button..
n i accidentally broke a test tube!! haha..
5) Did you ever make any teacher cry?
1) Who was your favourite teacher?
Mr. Malek (Sec 3 form teacher)
Mr. Lai (sec 4 form teacher)
Mrs. Leong (EOA Teacher)
2) Describe your DM.
Mr. Malek himself was the DM at tat time..he was great wif us..
3) Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher?
Mr. Seow (he sang national anthem the loudest!! n brought TODAY newspaper for the whole class)
Mr. (forgt his name) (he lets the class sleep..by saying.."1..2..3..sleep~~~")
still alot to mention lah..
Social Circle
1) Were you popular back then?
hhmm..i have to say.."i've alwaes been the top in class n level".
classmates tried to beat me for my Maths score..haha..
2) Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?
3) Who were your best friends?
Ong Wee Huat, Zulhilmi, Yassar, Faezah (we alwaes ate at canteen during recess time)
Halizah, Alicia (the class gossips)
4) Did you and your friends have nicknames?
of coz!! alot..hard to mention..n i dnt quite remember..n some of these names r given by Halizah..haha..
5) What were your favourite memories of you and your friends?
a lot lah..frm the time i stepped into PYSS till i graduate...haha...
Co-curricular Activities
1) What type of CCA were you in?
Proud to be in Ping Yi Marching Band
2) What did you have to bring to your CCA?
Music Files n Trumpet
3) What did your CCA required you to do?
Formations (For SYF outdoor)
Entertain guest if gt invitation
speech day parade
4) Got injured?
when rehearsing for SYF 2002 to form a Bird Formation while doing my 24 steps backward-side march n i hitted onto a parked staff car..
1) Who was your first crush?
2) Are you in good terms with your last crush?
i dnt remember..ini smue cinta monyet!! haha..
3) Did you ever had a relationship with anyone in your high school?
nope..we r juz veri close..hehe..tat evry1 tot tat we're in relationship...
4) Have you ever made out in school?
Closing Ceremony
1) How did high school changed you?
i've been a good boy n well disciplined...until i went to ITE..haiz..!@##@!!
2) Sing one verse of your school song.
"To humbly strive n never yield, at work at school n play..." (hhmm..dnt remember..haha..)
3) What was your favourite question?
Cher!! (teacher) recess early okie???
4) Who/what will you remember from your high school?
of coz the SYF memories..
and alotz...
1. Are you single: Yes
2. Are you happy: Mayb??
3. Are you bored: yes, im bored now..
4. Are you fair: 50:50
5. Are you Italian: No
6. Are you intelligent: hhmm...
7. Are you honest: 60%.
8. Are you nice: haha...
9. Are you Irish: No
10. Are you Asian: Yup!
1. Full Name: Muhammad Aizuddin Bin Ahmad
2. Nicknames: Dynn, Aidynn, Don, Dodin, Bodin,
3. Birth place: Singapore
4. Hair color: Black
5. Natural hair style: straight.
6. Eye Color: black.
7. Birth Date: 08091987
9. Favorite colors: black, white, brown, orange.
10. One place you’d like to visit: BALI!!!
1. Have you ever been in love: tat was along time ago..
2. Do you believe in love at first sight: hhmm...
3. Do you currently have a crush?: yes i do.
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally: yes
5. Have you ever broken someone’s heart: did i?
6. Have you ever had your heart broken: sometimes.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them: yes,
8. Are you afraid of commitment: sometimes.
9. Who was the last person you hugged: Shahir!!
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to?: i dont remember
1. Love or lust: love
2. Hard liquor or beer: liquor
3. Cats or dogs: cats
4. A few best friends or any regular friends: a few best friends.
5. Creamy or Crunchy: Both.
6. Pencil or Pen: both
7. Wild night out or romantic night in: Wild night out
8. Money or Happiness: Money!! $$$$$
9. Night or day: Night
10. IM or phone: Both
1. Been caught sneaking out: hhmm..my parents dnt mind..as long as im back home safe.
2. Seen a polar bear: yes
3. Done something you regret: yea.
4. Bungee jumped: no..i wanna try!!
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor: haha..5 seconds rules! n ur food still safe to eat..
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker: Nope
7. Been caught naked: isk!! i catch myself!! ahaha..
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back: no..be friends as per normal
9. Cried because you lost a pet: Never
10. Wanted to disappear: yes! i want!!
1. Smile or eyes: smile.
2. Light or dark hair: dark
3. Hugs or kisses: both.
4. Shorter or taller: hhmm..juz an acceptable height lah..
5. Intelligence or attraction: both.
6. Topman or Zara: Zara
7. Funny or serious: both.
8. Older or Younger: younger
9. Outgoing or quiet: Outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad: Sweet
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd: yup!
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour: Yup.
3. Ever tried walking on your hands: haha..i'll lost balance
4. Ever been to a rock concert: no..
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team: nope
6. Ever been on a dance team: nope
7. Ever been on a sports team: nope
8. Ever been in a drama play/production: nope
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley?: nope.
10. Ever been in a rap video?: nope.
1. Last phone call you made: Prepaid Hotline
2. Last person you hugged: Shahir
3. Last person you hung out with: PAGErs at ASM
4. Last time you worked: last 2 days..on nite shift..
5. Last person you talked to: Mum ..she ask me to eat.
6. Last person you IM’d: Haffiz.
7. Last person you texted: Farina
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with: My family..we watched CONGKAK!! wow!.
9. Last person/thing you missed: i missed MWO.
10. Last website visited: Facebook.
Sonntag, März 01, 2009
HAPPI 1st MARCH!!supposed to meet Haffiz..we goin Courts and IKEA..but thnx for me being overslept..haiz..woke up arnd 2pm+...then heard my family goin to mustafa cntr..ape lagi!!?? join lah..so b4 tat..we went to the Tekka Temporary Market..okie..i realli hate tat plc..BUSOK!! but "THANKS" to Mr. Rain Bin ber-lightning2....super long n heavy rain...tat we're stuck in the market for so long..so we had our meals there too...wat to do..have to tahan there..i juz bought myself a Roti John...hhmm..eeww...i must say...it was soo soo soo..NOT NICE!! but i manage to finish it....we stayed in there quite long..for abt 2hrs...after the rain had toned down..off we went to Mustafa...but WTH!! the rain started to poured heavily again..n this time realli no parking for us..n the road is full of "Dark seas" or ocean...(u noe i noe)...we made arnd 3 turns to find for a parking lot..but had realli no choice...dad have to travel up all the way to IMM Giant..but i realli wonder of all places, why must b at IMM?? kan Tampines pon ade? besar lagi...so nvrmind..then when we reached there..ape lagi!!?? shopping maut lah...hahaha...
1. Photo Taking at PA
Before we shift, it will be nice if all of us can make it for OMS only group photograph at PA lawn in front of the office building(old Kallang Airport control tower). We'll probably invite some of the pioneers to come by and share stories on how OMs get started back in 1991. Some of them who are professional musicians, doctor, army colonal, radio personality, and many...... Please reply me by Monday with your available time below and we'll consolidate the slot where the most can come and inform you all on Wed.
1. Sat, 7 Mar, 5.30pm - 7pm
2. Sun, 8 Mar, 10am - 11.30am
3. Sun, 8 Mar, 5.30pm - 7pm
2. OMS Concert at Esplanade
OMS concert is confirmed on Sunday 18 Oct 2009, at Esplanade Concert Hall. The concept is Malay Movie soundtracks. It will be a totally music program lasting 90mins. We hope to engage the audience with songs from their era, right back from 50s to current. This is our concert, hence we will need your valuable feedback and recommendations as to what songs is of your interest to be played in the concert bearing in mind the concept. And if anyone has any ideas or or any leads as to artiste invitation, please do not hesitate to reply or speak to Amri or me directly. At the moment, these are the examples of film soundtracks from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore that we have in mind. Need more from you guys.
1. Akhir Sebiah Impian (Indo)
2. My Heart (Indo)
3. Ayat Ayat Cinta (Indo)
4. Hapuslah Air Matamu (Indo/Malaysia)
5. Ali Setan (Malaysia)
6. Fenomena (Malaysia)
7. Jimi Asmara (Malaysia/Singapore)
8. Semerah Padi (Singapore)
9. Labu Labi (Singapore)
10. Ibu (Singapore)
3. PA/OMS shift to new building
As you all know, PA is shifting to a new building at Lavendar, just beside the Jalan Besar Stadium. OMS shift is scheduled on Tue, 24 March 9am onwards. Roomaizan will come out with a timetable for packing and inform selected musicians to help in the above.
4. Orkestra Melayu Singapura facebook / Orkestra Melayu Singapura website
We hope to come out with OMS facebook account asap and Hairie (ismahairie@yahoo.com) will undertake this task. However, it seems that the Yahoo and Gmail account for orkestramelayusingapura has already been taken. If anyone has any idea about it, please contact Hairie. Or anyone can assist him or have any inputs and ideas, do call him too In any case, we are in the midst of creating OMS own website. Domain has been registered and now the site is under construction with Hamizah's help.
5. Orkestra Melayu Singapura logo
This is open to all. Please help us design a logo that we can be proud of. Go on a creative streak and submit designs to Zulkifli keyboard (zoulvabatiqah@hotmail.com)
Ibrahim Hamid
Heritage Byte Network